A Day Off

Solenn Goldameir

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
"A day off wouldn't hurt?" Solenn Goldameir thought to herself. After all she needed one, after being locked up inside the shop for like everyday. It would really be lovely to just take a day off, meet new people, mingle with them, have a tea or coffee somewhere. Anything would be fine with her as long as it would involve someone, a new acquaintance perhaps. The brunette made her way out of her penthouse, ensuring it was locked. She wearing some her comfortable clothes, Solenn started to wonder the streets of New Zealand. She was getting used to the environment, the people of Auckland as well. It was much more simple than her past life, she had all the time to be free from the Media. Who would have guessed she was only nineteen and a lady who seems to be working for her own self. If only her parent knew that she could live alone, slowly she stopped by a coffee shop. Solenn ordered one decaf cafe and decided to bring it along her, there were too much things to do. Which includes shopping, as it was one of her guilty pleasures. after that would be grocery shopping. Lastly visit a spa or something, to try something new would also be great.

Suddenly, she decided it would be better to shop in London. It would also be more exciting and with that in mind, she decided to apparate as she found an alley nearby. And in just a couple of minutes she arrived in London, there were a crowd of people rushing inside a store. Probably a sale or something, she lead her feet away from the crown and into a shop. Not knowing it was a men's store, though she would be stuck for a couple of minutes as there were still so many people waiting for the shop to be open. Since she was inside a men's shop, Solenn decided to wonder around. Who knew, maybe she was here to search a gift for a friend. She scanned the necktie's and immediately thought of her father, when she was younger Solenn used to buy her father necktie's as a gift. Which he adored since he didn't had much time to shop on his own, somehow she felt she needed to buy the teal necktie in her hands. And so she did, not caring if her father would never get the gift. She waited for her receipt and bag, Solenn continued to wander around still seeing the massive crowd outside the shop.

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