A Day By the Lake

"I guess I'm used to not being alone. I mean.. we lived in a very busy house but I guess I took my own time for granted. The time i could just go to my room and read a book or listen to music", she thought back to those days which seemed ridiculously far away now. "I don't get much time for that here. That's why I wasn't sure to come over or not, I didn't want to interupt any private time you might have wanted".
"Highly doubtful", she grinned "I have to work really hard at anything just to be good at it that goes for flying as well. Nothing comes easy for me." Andromeda sounded almost fed up with it all, she sighed and readjusted her position on the grass again.
"The homework assignments are fierce aren't they? We had to come up with our own potion this week in potions class. I think I did ok at it. I hope I did", she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them.
"Have you.... have you made many friends here Blane?" she didn't know if she wanted to know the answer or what exactly it was she was asking. Had he found someone new to replace her, was there a friend he prefered to all the others. She bit her lip and muttered.
"Never mind ... so an angel huh?"
"Well, I had bought the costume because I had enrolled msyself in a muggle school and thought I might need it for that, then I got the letter and wondered if they would do halloween celebrations so I packed it. Also I was running low on money so being able to buy a new costume once I came here was not really an option." Blane said "Plus I am the worst at making costumes."
"You are so organised. My mother packed my trunk, well mostly and she didn't even think to put a costume in. Even though she's been to Hogwarts herself", Andy said simply.
She turned her head looking out at the cloudy sky, she pulled her hair around and began plaiting it. She found she was doing this more and more lately, her hair was growing possibly or maybe it was just always getting in the way now.
Andy thought back to the party her parents had thrown for her, the elaborate gifts and the cake her mother had painstakingly baked.
She remembered her father pumping up hillium balloons and inhaling the gas to make a manic chipmunk type of voice as he sung Happy Birthday to her. She remembered, him hugging her and taking her out for a long ride on the broom.
A lump formed in her throat.
"Just the usual", she said off hand.
"cake, presents, banners you do have to remember i lived with practically all my relations" she said twirling one of her plaits absentmindly.
"the usual was me blowing out my candles there was always an extra one every year. I mean when i was 10 there would be 11, when I was 11 there were 12 candles. The extra one was in memory of my twin Callista", she sighed, "so even though I was celebrating my birthday every year, my parents were grieving their others daughters loss".
"I'll bake you a cake for your next one" she told him, then more seriously she said "Callista died at child birth. My parents were flying home to my great-grand uncles funeral and my mother went into labour. I was born and she died."

Andy stood up and stretched her legs, she didn't want to sit anymore. She didn't usually talk about Callista. Infact she never talked about her and didn't want to anymore.
"Are you staying, I think I'll head back in".

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