A Date Down San Francisco Lane

Epiphany shoved his shoulder lightly and giggles. "You're lucky I find your wonder cute." She said as she leans up and kissed his cheek. "I'm getting hungry let's find ourselves a place to eat and then I think I will ask how much for the scorpion earrings." She said looking up. Though normally insects creeped her out the earrings had intrigued her enough that she wanted to take a closer look. If anything she could make a few people stare by having a few trapped scorpions dangling from her ears.
Ferb looked around for the nearest place to eat. "Yeah, I'm hungry too". He could speak a little French but far from any Chinese. He took a good glance at an old chinese couple that was strolling through as they had not a care in the world. He turned to Epiphany and laughed "I don't suppose you know where the nearest McDonalds is, do you?".
Epiphany looked at him confused. "Is that like a Leaky Cauldron?" She asked thinking of the two that she knew of. She didn't know if the store had been franchised yet but she did know that it was popular. "And that would be a no. Come on I see a tea house and you see wizards from all over here so I'm sure the menu will be English." She said with a huge grin then looked around. She saw just that down the next street and nodded over looking up at with a bright grin hoping he would like to go too.
Ferb wasn't able to spot what she was looking at but he took her word for it anyway. He had no reason not to trust her. "After you ma' lady", he chuckled in a posh tone. As Epiphany lead him to this restaurant she had pointed out, Ferb took a quick glance to see exactly what she meant. Maybe this would be a good place to eat but it wouldn't be the same as the bakery he wanted to eat at.
Ferb had every reason not to trust Epiphany but here he was a long side of her. Epiphany felt almost normal which was a quint little feeling that she could get used to. Whenever she needed a break from her ever working mind. She lead him inside the small cafe and walked up to the glass case where pasties of different colors where displayed like small jewels. "I think I will have one of those swirly things. What about you?" She asked looking back at Ferb and kissing his cheek.

"We can go another day cutie. Like the sign said they had an emergency and we where going to end up here anyway." She said grabbing on to his arm and nuzzling his cheek. Epiphany was almost manically happy. The state that usually annoyed the tar out of Luthor and the state the she had often used to make him pay attention to her. This time in was honest though and she was enjoying the feeling for as long as it would stay.
Ferb thought to himself about what he could possibly want to eat. He had a good breakfast to prepare him for the day so it was just a matter of what did he find more appealing to eat. He took a long look over all the pastries and food on offer and decided. "Could I have that one", he asked as he pointed out a delicious looking cake slice.

As they both received their order from the young male behind the counter, Ferb took the lead and walked outside to sit on a bench next to Epiphany. He thought it may be best to get to know her a little bit better if he was going to continue to date her. "So how many friends you got in the city?", he asked casually as he took a bite into the cake that he had... forgot to pay for.
Epiphany put a small portion of the swirl cake in her mouth and squeaked. She absolutely loved sweets. Something that she hadn't lost over the years. This was a good place she could tell but she couldn't wait to go to the cafe that Ferb had wanted them to go to, She ate it daintily though trying to make her treat last as long as possible. "Only a couple. One that told me this was here an another who helped me get the apartment that I live in now. I'm hoping to make a few more while I'm here." She said with a large smile on her face.

"How about you, are you well connected in the city?" She asked. Epiphany crossed her legs and kept picking at her cake cheerfully.
"I've got my brothers, my mum and a few friends. I've known my friends for years and because I was in Canada I only kept in touch with the ones were close to me. God knows what's gonna happen if I go to New Zealand". He tried not to think about moving away from Epiphany and continued to eat his cake.
It was hard for Epiphany imagine being close to family. Her sister abandoned her and most of the people that she had lived with didn't like her. Then again they barely liked each other. Epiphany listened to Ferb though and felt for him in a person from the outside looking in. He mentioned going to New Zealand and looked away. "If they are really your friends they will say your friends. And I will always be here for you." She said with a bright smile She liked him well enough to say such a thing. Maybe she even liked him well enough to go with him and take up her old Slytherin robes.
Ferb began to reconsider his feelings for Epiphany. Was this something more and could lead on for years to come and maybe even forever? Ferb wanted to find out how she felt before he could make any assumptions. "So look...", he started, "...We obviously have a great connection and I love it but is there something... here?", he asked. "I mean last night was great and today is going great. Surely there's more to this than just dating". He felt absolutely no doubt that he had to ask. His confidence had set in so he was ready to receive any response from her.
Epiphany scooted closer to him and put the swirl cake beside her so her hands where free. She wrapped them around Ferb's neck looking up into his eyes and allowing him to look into her purple ones. "There is defiantly something here Ferby. Something far more magical than what we've been taught. I like you a lot Ferby and I hope you like me just the same." She said then bit her lip. She meant what she said this time and wasn't twisting her words so that she could say that she hadn't been lying. Epiphany liked him more than she thought she would and her senses told her that he had the same feelings for her.
Ferb smiled. That's exactly the response he was hoping for. He wouldn't call this love but there was definitely something here that he just had to latch onto. It was hard to explain. "Of course I do", he said softly to her. The pair stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Ferb broke the silence and pulled away. "So where next?", he asked.

He didn't know his way around the city so this would be tough for him to decide so he thought if he let her choose everything then the date would go smoothly and how he wanted it to be.
Epiphany squaked and kissed Ferb before pulling away fom him. She could hear a lady clicking her tongue at them and though she didn't rightly care she didn't want to emberes Ferb. Epiphany would never say it but she didn't really know what love was. She liked the feelings that where going on between them though. She straightened the skirt of the dress she chose for the day and looked up and down the street.

"Well look at that." She said as she pulled on his arm. The shop she was refering to seemed a bit darker thatn the rest. There was an elaborate short sword in the window in red and gold with a small sign under it in borh English and Chinese saying 'cursed'. Epiphany loved bladeds but her expression was that of wonder as if contemplating whether it was really cursed or not.
Ferb took a long look at what Epiphany had pointed out. Although she seemed very interested in it, Ferb was never intrigued by weapons. But to keep things going smoothly, he decided that it's better to pretend. "Why would they sell a curse sword? Seems a bit pointless", he chuckled. He considered that maybe it would be illegal to sell cursed items but the thought quickly skipped his mind when he soon found Epiphany replying.
Epiphany looked up at Ferb and grinned. "It's not the sword that interesting, it's the history behind it. See there it's the marking of one of the old Chinese emperors. I do think we should move or people might thing we're up to something." She said giggling as she grabbed on to his arm again and started to lead him down the wizarding street again. Epiphany made a mental note to go back by herself and see what other trinkets she could find and tell Eden about.

"As you can tell I'm a bit of a history buff. Not totally but still I do find some of it interesting like the curses of old Egypt. The kind of skill that it took to place those must have been incredible." She said leaning in a little bit to watch his reaction. Yes Epiphany had displayed a little interest in the Dark Arts but not so much as to give away the type of schooling she had gotten from both Eden and Sunako.
Ferb chuckled. He weren't worried that people would think the two of them were up to something because there's no harm at looking at a shop window. But it was probably best to move anyway.

"Yeah I can imagine that but I ain't so interested in history as you are but that's a good thing. It gives us interesting conversations", he smiled. "I suppose your tutor taught you things about cursed swords and stuff. You seem to know a little about them". It didn't bother him that she knew little things about the Dark Arts but it did question what her goal was.
Epiphany grinned. "Yeah and that means I get to teach you something. Like you'll teach me about muggle things." She said brightly. She had mostly been taught to stay away from muggle objects unless she was going to curse them but she was willing to learn to be able to spend more time with Ferb. Epiphany squeaked and ran towards another shop where they where displaying a set of what they called Snail Dragons. They where snails through and through except of the head which was shaped like those of dragons. "Look aren't they just adorable?" She cried beaming.
Ferb quickly followed behind the squeaking Epiphany as she approached the adorable snail dragons. Although they did look kind of cute, Ferb wouldn't of bought one for himself. They looked pointless. "For someone as girly as you, I wouldn't of expected you to like snails". He would have expected someone as girly as her to be into fluffy animals and expensive clothing but that could be his expectations changed due to his experience with muggles.
Epiphany giggled. "I'm a bit weird. I play Quidditch, like Alchemy and like to look at unique things. Like these little guys." She said picking one up out of the tank and letting it balance on her finger. She brought it closer his face where the dragon snail hiccuped a tiny fire ball. "It's probably to make up for the fact that we can't have real ones in our backyards." She said jokenly. Though she liked a lot of the more dangerus of the magical creatures she didn't want them in her home. She barely tolerated her owl which she used get her assignments.
Dragons in backyards? This girl was definitely more than meets the eye. "Well I don't think you want to wake up and see a full sized out your window", he laughed. The thought of that made him think. What if someone creative managed to make Dragons household pets? That'd be both cute and awesome. "How about we take a walk to see what else this place has?", he asked. He was particularly interested in what he could buy with the Galleons that he had in his pocket.
Epiphany laughed at that. "No but you'd be grateful that it's there if you're ever in danger. It's kind of like having a pit bull or a doberman. Only with more teeth." She said brightly. Though Epiphany did like dogs she favored cats like any good witch though she had been disallowed to have them after Eden found out what she did to them once a year was up. She didn't see the problem. She still had the stuffed remains after all. "Of course the street has to be just bursting with interesting things." She said putting the snail back into the tank and grabbing on to Ferb's arm.
Ferb chuckled. He had a family dog growing up but it died when he had turned 12. It upset the whole family for a while. So much so that they haven't gotten a new pet since and Ferb was just the same. He took a long look around whilst taking a slow stroll up the street. "So what kinds of things are you into? Got any hobbies?".
"Many, there's not a lot to do when you're by yourself in a manor." She said as her eyes fall from shop to shop taking in all of the curious things. There was a beautiful jade pendent which had the shape of a butterfly embedded in it. She let it go though trying not to annoy Ferb with her girlyness. "One of them is the science of Alchemy. Difficult but it keeps me from wondering too much. What about you? What do you like to do?" She asked as she gave him another one of her sunshine grins.

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