A coffee shop

Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Johanna walked under the city lights of Paris.She had left her aunts home to explore the wonderful city of Paris.She loved it here it was her third favorite place to be.She walked past a coffee shop and breathed in the smell of coffee.She looked into the shop window.It was a very cute looking place.She opened the door and smiled when the smell of the coffee hit her full blast.There was only one one other person there.She walked up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate with marshmellows.Even though she liked the smell of coffee she didn't like the taste of it.When her hot chocolate came she took a seat by the window and started to think.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its not very good! :/
Dyfan was enjoying the little vacation they got from school. It was a wonder how he managed to keep up with everything for the past two years, he had to learn french before he came and when he got to the school he found out that his dialect was all wrong and basically had to learn French all over again. But suprisingly he had done very well, even better then the other males at the school who came from France. Dyfan had gotten himself a place amoung the Prefects.

But now he was glad for the back from patrolling the corridors during his free block, and able to see Paris once again. The city really was the city for romance, he spotted many couples roaming the streets and it almost made him feel a bit lonely. He walked by a coffee shop and as he did the smell drew him in, he wasn't much of a coffee drinker but the smell of the food, the pastries, that were cooked in the shop was what got him. Walking in he noticed a girl his age and familar looking sitting at the window and another random sitting by himself in a corner reading the paper. Ordering a crepe and a cup of tea Dyfan made his way over towards the girl. After all he was a boy and in the city of love he was quite lonely it would be nice to have company for awhile. "Mind if I join you?" He asked in french unsure if the girl would know English or if she'd want to speak it if she did.
Johanna was at a rather good part of her book.She wasn't aware of what was happening around her,this usually happened when she was in a really good part of a book.Her mother would give out to her a lot because of this.But it happened without her realising it.One minute she would be aware of her surroundings and then suddenly somebody would shout at her to get her attention.She stopped reading for a second to take a sip of her hot chocolate.It was then she noticed a boy about her age standing beside her.She just managed to hear the question.She smiled and looked up at him "Sure"She said in French,moving her book from the chair beside her.Even though she enjoyed being on her own it was nice to have some company.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm not actually sure if he is talking in french so I just made her talk in french.

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