A Chat and Some Ice-Cream

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate walked down the muggle streets of London. The place was buzzing with tourists from all over the world looking at all the famous monuments and shopping . There were also people like herself who were just having a look around, doing their normal Saturday shopping. It was a bit more special for Kate though. They had all gotten their letters from Hogwarts yesterday, telling them what they needed for the new school year etc but Kate had gotten something extra. She had been made head girl. Needless to say she was shocked. She had always thought prefects could only get head boy and head girl but she had thought wrong. She is delighted and proud of herself. Never did she dream she would ever get Head Girl. It just showed that the Professor's had seen something in her. She was going to try and do herself proud. She couldn't wait to tell her friends at school. Kate hoped Sara didn't mind, Kate had always thought she would be the one to get it, she just hoped she was happy for her. Kate couldn't wait to tell Stefan either, hopefully she would be seeing him in the Great Hall when they returned to Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to be able to spend so much time with him. She missed her terribly and she couldn't wait to see him as it was. She was wearing the heart pendant necklace he had given her three years ago. She still wore it a lot of the time. It had been his mothers and it was one of her most treasured possessions. She hoped he was able to get everything for school. She had sent him some money in her last letter and she hoped he found it useful. She would be able to keep a watchful eye on him when he came to Hogwarts. She always worried about his weight, she was thin but he was much worse. She wanted to fatten him up so to speak. At least get him to the same weight as her.

Kate needed some things for Hogwarts so she made her way to Diagon Alley. As soon as they had moved her she had come to see Diagon Alley. Harry Potter and all the famous wizards had gone their to get their magical supplies. There was a nice ice-cream place there too which she loved to visit. It was a hot day in London, there was a nice cool breeze though that lightly blue her hair out of her face as she walked. Kate was planning on buying a new broom for quidditch. As a present for getting Head Girl her parents had granted her sufficent funds to buy herself a nice ,good broom. She would probably buy a few bits and pieces as she looked around. This would be her last time shopping for school stuff and that saddened her quite a bit because come this time next year Kate would no longer be a student of Hogwarts New Zealand. She would be be finished school, out in the big world. Kate was partly excited and partly scared. There was no school to fall back on or run to. She would be a grown up, looking to start her own life. She was going to be given a blank canvas for her to fill with her new life. She had been looking up music courses in collage's in England, New Zealand and Ireland. She was open to other colleges but those countries would be the easiest for her. The only problem with going to muggle college was the fact she needed results from exams in muggle schools. she was contemplating doing a music course and seeing would that help her. She realized that her career lay in music not magic and she was going to what she could to get where she wanted.

As Kate passed her favorite ice-cream parlor, she decided that she would like a sit down first before she went to buy her broom. She walked in and took a seat outside. She briefly looked at the menu but knew already what she wanted. A young, seemingly nervous girl took her order. The place was packed with people and Kate had been lucky to find a seat. As she waited for her order she took out a new book of hers that she had bought in Waterstones.It was called Stone Hill and Kate was looking forward to reading it. More people walked in and out but Kate was oblivious as she read her book. Soon a man with her ice-cream and water arrived. He set her ice-cream on the table first and was setting down her water when someone bumped into him from behind. This in turn sent the water spilling across the table and onto Kate's lap. "Whoops"She said as she quickly stood up, trying to not get her shorts completely wet.
The season of the hols had made the very original Diagon Alley in London, England more than ridiculously industrious. It was literally packed with people that came from different nations and possessed different types of blood, buying supplies for the incoming school year. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had perhaps released their students as well since a couple of French ladies were lounging somewhere near the store were magnificent robes were supplied. The heat, not to mention, was unnerving at some points but then the newly made fifth year of Hogwarts New Zealand was able to avoid it successfully and consistently. She frowned from time to time when the sun would glare down at her and she would proceed to just walk under the roofs of some stores. The weather in the England could be totally differentiated from the weather in a certain part of Oceania. New Zealand had snowy fields and trees there, whilst the sun looked like it had taken over England. But by the looks of it, that fact certainly did not halt the coming and going of tourists and students that attended Hogwarts Scotland. There were shrieks, laughter and grumbles erupting from almost everywhere. Artemis, all alone in the place, found that it was better to just visit the shop where they sold different types of educational literature. She did have some money with her which she found was very helpful in this kind of place and situation where she was stuck with boredom, until her father was done giving a report to the English Ministry. She had almost three hours to roam around the place and she decided that she should just spend it leisurely.

After the browsing that she had done in the Flourish and Botts, Artemis noticed that the heat did not quite reduce itself. The glare was still there, drowning people in the blanket of warmth. There was the occasional hot breeze which did somewhat improved the heated atmosphere once in a moment. Artemis was grateful that her attire made her skin breath easily. Jeans would let her legs sweat which she thought was absolutely gross and unladylike. Her pale legs also needed some tanning, if ever she could get one so easily in just a span of weeks here in England. Artemis thought that it was truly possible - only a little patience with the heat would solve it. But then it was not her desire for her skin to get a tan. It was more like her sister's idea which really was since Artemis never really liked hanging around the beach for some sun fun. Diagon Alley, with all the people and noise, seemed more like a place where she could get down and party in the original branch of the Three Broomsticks. Artemis smiled absentmindedly at that thought, thinking of how many butterbeers she would take a swig at. Perhaps its iciness would let bring down the heat in her body down and make her feel more relaxed and loose. Artemis suddenly cast her eyes on the stores that she was going to pass. They served food, yes, but she wanted something cold. Something like butterbeer or ice cream if there were any. A store, not so far away from her, had its door open with a child holding on a cup of newly made ice cream with sprinkles. With her mother behind, she skipped away from the store, happily poking on the frozen liquid she had with her. The sight gave Artemis an idea and she made her way there instead of pushing through the crowd to find another entertaining shop.

The air was bustling with waiters taking orders from one person to the other, serving people here and there. Artemis stood near the menu that was placed outside the ice cream parlour, deciding what was good to choose. There were various choices but Artemis decided to go inside instead to ask what their bestseller was. As she made her way, she vaguely saw a senior couple stand up simultaneously. The woman, who was near the Slytherin, stepped back, forcing Artemis to step back as well very unexpectedly. She almost collided with the passing waiter, who was now bending over a table. Before she knew it, the waiter was pushed forward by her hip and what he was holding spilled over the unfortunate customer and the table. Artemis noticed that the elderly couple did not seem to pay attention and they were already getting outside the property of the parlour. It left Artemis to fix the mess. Turning around to perhaps meet a shocked and angered man, she readied herself for the circumstances. She masked most of her initial shock but a wee amount was still evident in her bright blue eyes. "Oh god, I am so sorry. It was an accident!" She stepped back and fixed her eyes on the waiter who was a young man, as he registered that the water was on the table and some were on the young lady who was the unfortunate victim. He took out his wand to perhaps steady himself first then go clean the mess. Artemis bit her lip and mustered some of the so-called Gryffindor courage to seize her up. She looked at the pretty girl, who was now standing to avoid getting wetter, and she let her mouth move faster than her eyes. "Are you alright? Bloody hell, I almost lost my balance because..." Before she knew it, her eyes were glued on the features of the girl. She was so familiar and Artemis knew that her name was known to her. The Slytherin Keeper had seen this girl in action in the Pitch with an injured ankle because of her team's Beaters. She took a step back to indicate her surprise again and let the name of the person escape her mouth. "Kate Moon?"

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