Closed A Chance Encounter

Demetrius Wagner

7th Year | Rich kid | Not-so Stand-offish
OOC First Name
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
It wasn't usual for Demetrius, but the weather had been pleasant enough that he'd decided to go for a walk. It was still chilly, the first touches of spring barely there, but Demetrius was enjoying the scenery nonetheless. He didn't often come to the Hogwarts garden - in fact, he couldn't recall ever properly spending time there. He wondered why, when it was so pleasant. The Wild Patch Club obviously worked hard - or the magic worked hard for them. Probably a bit of both. Demetrius was just musing on this while taking a stroll around when he recognised Sadie. Demetrius gave a wave and approached. "Hey Sadie, how are things?" he asked politely, hands slipping into his pockets. "Settling back in okay? I'm slowly getting to used to having homework again."
Sadie tried her best to still enjoy the wintery wind chills that remained yet. She loved winter dearly, it was her favourite time of the year. So she just sat in the garden on a bench with her sketchbook and chalk, drawing and smearing the chalk all over until she heard a voice. She looked up and smiled at Demetrius as she saw him, then she pulled a little back her earmuffs. “Oh hey, Demetrius. It’s nice, the homework, uh, it’s okay, not really used to it yet tho.” Sadie was never really the student to actually focus on studies. “I’ve been trying to enjoy the last bits of winter actually, y’know hanging out,” she honestly admitted bringing up the sketchbook to show a little unfinished drawing of the garden. “Come sit with me!” She moved a little leaving him a space to sit with him.
"Are you a winter person then?" Demetrius asked as he took a seat beside her. That made sense, he thought, considering their conversation on the train. "Oh wow, that's pretty cool," he said genuinely, looking at her sketchbook and the image of the garden. He wasn't an expert on art, but he knew what he liked. "So you're an artist, huh?" Demetrius questioned, intrigued. "I don't know much about it myself but I think it's cool." He hoped that didn't sound stupid; he secretly thought sometimes when he said things they didn't come out quite right.
oh yes, deffo. I mean, all the skating, snowboarding, smowmen, that’s all just my favourite,” Sadie admitted, pressing hands a little closer to keep warm. Before she drew that’s why she wasn’t cold but now she was as her hands weren’t really in the movement. She smiled proudly as Demetrius praised her work and indeed, it wasn’t finished yet but it did look good enough already. “I mean, kinda,” she shrugged her shoulders a bit, thinking on how to formulate the thought better. “I mostly focus only on chalk and crayon drawings, I just absolutely hate drawing with other supplies,” girl put her black charcoal chalk up showing it off. “Not a lot of people actually understand art. They think they understand but do they? So it’s fine,” the question was rhetorical, everyone had their own understanding of art, so there really was no answer to it. “What do you like? What do you do?” Sadie was indeed curious, Demetrius seemed like a chill person and so far, she enjoyed his company.
"Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I go skiing every now and then with my family. It's like, really nice up in the mountains. The air is fresher, and the snow looks amazing, so I get it, I guess," Demetrius said, a little uncertain of himself. "It'd be cool if they taught muggle sport at Hogwarts as well as quidditch, I reckon." Demetrius then listened to Sadie explain, thinking it interesting she only worked with crayon and chalk. He associated artists with pencils and paint usually; he wondered how different it really could be but he was ignorant on the subject. "What do I do? That's a good question." Demetrius paused in thought. "I recently took up piano - kinda late for it, but I thought...well, why not, I guess. That's going okay. Can't play much yet beyond Mary had a little lamb." Demetrius smiled wryly at that. "I play video games a lot when I'm not at Hogwarts. And I think rugby's really awesome," Demetrius said shyly.
Sadie nodded in agreement as Demetrius talked about skiing. “So you get me!” She enjoyed the time outside during winter, it was just… better. “I agree! I wish they had skating or gymnastics! Or… or soccer and basketball!” The Gryffindor eagerly babbled. She just really loved sports, it was just so cool that there was someone who seemed to agree with her. When the boy talked, Sadie nodded, genuinely listening to him and taking an interest in him and his hobbies. “Well, you can always improve, so it’s never too late. There was a 96 years old woman that enrolled into a public school at that age,” she smiled at him assuringly. “What video games do you play? Also, rugby is cool to look at, gotta admit I would be scared to play it,” she chatted easily. Sadie just enjoyed how simple the conversation with Demetrius was.
"Yeah! Quidditch is okay, you know, but I definitely miss other sport." Demetrius was being kind to quidditch; it wasn't his thing at all. He thought the rules and point system was silly - it didn't make sense to him that the snitch was worth so much and practically finished the game. It made it seem like the rest of the game didn't matter at all. He was happy he'd found someone else who felt the same. "Was there really a lady that old?" Demetrius asked, his eyebrows raised. "Wow, that makes me feel like I have heaps of time." He chuckled slightly. He often felt like he should have everything together, that this was the most important time of his life, but maybe that wasn't entirely true. "I like adventure platforming kind of games a lot, some RPGs as well, that kinda thing," Demetrius commented. "Not super into shooters but I can play them if the story's good. Not into horror though, that's for sure. Do you play games at all?" Demetrius asked. He listened to Sadie talk about rugby, nodding along. "Touch rugby isn't too bad. It's like rugby but without all the tackling, you take out scrums and that stuff too. I haven't played in a while but I used to as a kid."

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