A Certain Predilection

Patrick Cavanaugh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Patrick Cavanaugh was a man on a mission. He had his eye on a new girl, somewhat younger the what he would normally go for, though Teresa had been the exception, however, this girl was different, she was feisty, rude and exactly the kind of woman to keep him occupied. Patrick would be lying to himself if he admitted that he didn't love his wife. Patrick loved Camilia dearly, she just happened to be incredibly boring in the bedroom and Patrick happened to like spicing things up a bit, except that Camilia would never agree to it, so really, all of this was entirely her own fault. Adrian was more then enough to keep him happy, the way she moved, her looks, her complete hatred of him, it all served to make spending time with her more fun then not. She was exquisite to look at, amazing to watch and very stimulating to talk too, she was no dumb broad, that was for sure. Still, her looks couldn't account to much if she wasn't willing to sleep with him. He had such plans for her, whether she chose to accept them was another matter entirely, but he wouldn't give up. He wanted her, and that was all there was too it.

Adrian Maley was a pain in the arse, there was no denying it, however, she was a gorgeous pain in the arse that did all kinds of things to Patrick's sensibilities. Whether she did it on purpose or not, or whether she was aware or not, Patrick physically wanted her and that meant he was willing to do whatever the hell it took to get her into bed. Hell, he would divorce Camilia for it. Inviting her along to a hotel was possibly a little forward and more then a little crass, but Patrick had made it quite clear what he thought of her, so the metaphorical ball was in her metaphorical court now. It was up to her whether or not she would shoot for a goal. Upon her arrival, Patrick smirked. He had known she would show, she was too curious not too, at least that was his assumption. "Delighted you would join me, Miss Maley." he said, placing his hands into the pockets of his suit. She looked hot, good enough for Patrick to have to work at not immeditaly tearing her out of her clothes. "Would you like something to drink? Champagne maybe? Some red wine?" He had basically ordered the entire hotel's worth in wines and fine foods. After all, he was willing to go to the ends of the earth for this one, she was his greatest challenge yet, bar none.
Adrian Maley had decided against not showing up. However, she wanted to indulge him. His ego could not be any bigger. It was only a matter of time until she said something that broke him. She did not put any effort into her attire. Either way, the man would still want the same thing. Adrian has expected herself to be approached by better people. Yes, the man was rich and influential, But she did not need attention to be called to her. Her practices were not looked upon in a good light. Valen wanted this man to leave her be. He was a menace to society. He was degrading and still living in polygamous times. She was sure his wife would be less than pleased. The girl felt a anger fill up inside her that she had not felt since she was on a Quidditch Pitch. She simply wished this man was nothing But dead.

Adrian took a seat in a chair. She crossed her leg and looked at Patrick. "I am not one that the likes of you should associate with." she uttered smoothly. She placed her hands in her lap and kept hold of the man's gaze. If only he did not had children, then, she would gladly turn him into one of her toys. He would make a good one too. Determination. Persistence. He, however, lacked a clear thinking brain that was able to separate itself from his groin. She was not easy, threshing, she was not hard to gain either. Your youngest brother and I have more in common than you and I do." she stated. Dietrich Cavanaugh was less of a menace than his brother was. Of course, she was not going to come here unprepared. There were many former employees of his that were willing to oust all of the man's deeds.
Patrick did not sit as she did, instead he remained standing. This way he was in control, the way he liked it. She may think that she was the one in control and to many she would be, but there was nothing that Patrick enjoyed more, then the hunt. It made him feel young, something that was always nice when he was moving towards his mid forties. The fact that Adrian was actually here basically told him everything he needed to know. All in all, she was at least interested in what he had to say. After all, she had the option of simply not coming. He wouldn't have dropped the issue of course, but the point that she was here, still spoke volumes to him. To be honest, the very first thing that had attracted Patrick to her, apart from her physical attributes, was her spunk. She definitely had something going on there that he really liked and he would love to take advantage of it, in whatever way he could. The second thing about the girl that had attracted her to him was her eyes. They were the loveliest shade of grey, almost silver in the right light. The first time he had laid eyes on her he had introduced himself immediately. He got the feeling that she knew him by reputation, which was hardly surprising.

"The likes of me?" Patrick posed the question smoothly and almost smiled, but managed to suppress it. "What might that mean, Miss Maley?" Patrick wasn't sure he really cared, but humouring her at this point was likely his best option. Her failure to answer his question of what she would like to drink, did not faze him. Nor did her thoughts on his brother. At that, Patrick only laughed. "Oh, please. I assume you mean, Dietrich?" Her immediate thoughts that Dietrich would be more her equal were rather perplexing, but still managed to elicit a laugh out of the older man. "He couldn't handle you if he tried. He's childish and stupid. Not at all worth your time." Patrick moved away from her then and over to the wine and various champagnes. "Last chance, do you want something?" Patrick proceeded to pour himself something to drink, a lovely Guigal La Turque, a red wine that was a sweet as its name implied. The sweet aroma filled the room and Patrick was quite happy just to stand there and smell it. The taste of it was exquisite however and he savoured the pouring as long as he could, because this was a wine one would be forgiven for downing.
Adrian did not care that the man felt like he needed to feel in control. If things got out of hand, she knew how to fix them in her favor. Patrick was irritating. Adrian had never felt so angry just thinking of someone. She guessed that it was just pity for the man's wife. She felt like women should be respected, and this sort of relationship went straight against her morals. The evil even had morals. She continued to observe the man. She wanted to leave. She felt like she was wasting her time. Adrian did not have enough energy to deal with this man. She would much rather be reading a book. She had found a strange interest in muggle literature. She did not know much about muggles, and she saw their books as a way into their world. The woman would not be able to live without magic. How muggles did it intrigued her.

Adrian yawned. It was a legitimate yawn. She was bored. She knew what Patrick wanted, but she was not willing to give it to him. It would be her first time. Adrian had never had the time when she was younger to do anything of that sort. She was too engulfed in her academics and Quidditch. She had no time for love. Adrian actually despised the emotion. It was weakness. Love was a power that was able to strip one of all of their talent, deeds, and sense. This was why she took pity on Patrick's wife. She must love the man to keep him around, or she was only enduring it for their child. She discontinued looking at Patrick, and stood up. She grabbed a bottle of white wine. She popped the cork out with ease. Being a beater had given Valen much strength. "There is much you do not know about Dietrich. He is a man with different faces. He is much more mature and observing than you think. You should give him more credit for putting up with your sh!t." she said quietly. She got a glass for herself, and she poured her own glass. She poured it halfway before he let the bottle drop to the floor. She could care less if it spilled. It was this man's money she was wasting, not her own. The woman had avoided Patrick's question before. He did not need to know exactly that she dealt with gory things, but he needed to know that she was a devil. Adrian slowly strutted over to stand in front of Patrick with her glass delicately in her hand. "You underestimate people, Patrick. That is never a good trait to brew." she said and took a sip of the white wine. Valen was not a drinker. She preferred juice and milk over anything this man could offer her. She admired the simplicity in life. "I have one condition." she stated. She decided to go along with this little game of his. He still needed to work for what he truly wanted, but she was willing to tentatively stand by his side.

"If you get me pregnant, you and that child will be dead." she whispered coldly in the man's ear. Adrian refused to be a mother. The thought of having another life within her scared her. It was a horrifying thought to the woman. The found that the dead lead to so many answers. The absence of life had taken the woman's interests completely. Getting pregnant would bring tears to her eyes. She would not deal with stress bringing life into the world brought upon a person.
Watching Adrian, Patrick had to really stop himself from laughing. Adrian was a woman, a tool for his use whenever he should wish it. How did he know this? Well, many times she had told him that she refused to sleep with him and yet here she was. How else was she to be treated if she simply did as she was told when she was told? The simplicity of such an action in of itself, told Patrick everything he needed to know about the woman in from of him. He could almost feel the radiated hatred from her and truthfully it turned him on. He didn't care if she didn't like him. He certainly didn't want her to love him, he just wanted her to be his. She was simply of use to him and would be for a while. She would do things that Camilia would not and that was all he cared about in the end. Patrick fully intended for Adrian to leave at some point, he was likely going to dump her, but whenever she became of no use, she was gone. That was how this worked. The mention of Dietrich simply worked towards his enjoyment. Speaking of his brother was a turn off of course, but watching Adrian defend him was intriguing. "What would you know of Dietrich? If he is as you say, then perhaps he had roped you into seeing only what he wants you to see." Surely she wasn't as stupid as she was making out.

"You only assume that I underestimate people, Precious. You aren't a mind reader." Adrian spoke her mind, an annoying trait that he was going to have to fix. At least whilst she was around him. Still, she was a wonder to behold and her beauty made him want to do many things, some of them illegal. Walking to stand slightly over her, Patrick crouched down so that he was eye level with her. "What is your one condition." He rather hoped it was something easily achieved. After all, though he would pursue this woman from one world to the next, he wasn't about to do something that would cost him his life or his money. They had reached the coded stage. If they agreed to the specified terms of each other then this little affair would be underway. The moment her condition was spoken aloud, Patrick threw his head back and laughed. "You think me an amateur?" This was not his first time in this position. "Precious, should I want you pregnant, nothing you could do would stop the child from being born, believe me. However, a pregnancy is not on the agenda for you. I have other wants I will share."
Adrian was not dealing well. Patrick was tap dancing on her last nerve. Her aggressive nature was beginning to kick in, and she was scared. Whenever she was angry, she was reminded of Felix, and Felix was a weakness. He made her weak and vulnerable. She could hear her dead brother in her head. "This isn't you, Adrian. What the f*ck are you doing?" She hated being question. Why was Patrick insisting she was wrong? This was the only time Adrian felt like leaning on her femininity to feel correct. Women had great intuition, right? But, Patrick would not believe such sh*t, and that was why she was screwed. She did not want to deal with this interrogation anymore. How did she end in the Scitorari when she was so easily disturbed by a simpleton? "Now I understand why you are always looking for companionship. You are always such an *ss you can't keep anyone around for long." she muttered. She hoped that all men weren't like Patrick.

If she had agreed to play his little game, why was she being so difficult? She could feel gray hairs coming just from being in the same room as this adulterous man. But, how was she any better? She had come here herself. Maybe she was looking for something exciting? However, she found nothing exciting about sex. She was never interested in any relationships of the sort. It was because she had become so obsessed with trying to find a way to successfully revive her dead brother, or at least, find someone to replace him. Patrick's laugh took her by surprise. What she had said was not amusing. He truly underestimated her. There would not be anything she could do? Valen scoffed and took a sip of her wine. "Now, you are assuming." She set the glass on the ground, and she went into the kitchen. She needed milk. She hated wine and did not understand why the drink was so popular. She took out a carton of milk and poured herself a glass. She drank half the glass before so set in on the counter and wiped her face. She was no longer content, but she was sure Patrick knew that. She could not help but roll her eyes at the thought.

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