Closed A Careless Wander

Kyousuke Kurosawa

Ambitious | Introvert | Open-minded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Exercise was good for the brain, Kyousuke knew, so in between study breaks he liked to get some fresh air and wander around the school grounds. Today was no different as he walked, hands in pockets, considering the environment and repeating in his head the words of a Shakespearean monologue. He had a new one to learn, and a potential upcoming audition in the summer that he knew he had to nail. They seemingly didn't put on plays at Hogwarts, which was a constant disappointment to Kyousuke. He was in his own world, not really thinking when he accidentally bumped into someone in front of him who abruptly came to a stop. Kyousuke wasn't going too fast, so it was only a small bump, but it took him out of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry," he muttered to the other boy, someone he didn't recognise at all.
Caius had gotten in the habit of taking a few walks during the day, getting fresh air and just a general change of scenery. He had never been one to sit still for too long, and maybe it made him spoiled but he was used to being able to whisk away anywhere he wanted pretty much at the drop of a hat. Being confined to one castle was something new for him, and something he was sure he could adjust to... eventually. Probably. He was drawn out of his thoughts when someone bumped into him, and he smiled. "Oh, hey Kurosawa." He greeted. "No worries. You alright?" He asked, checking in.
Kyousuke was a bit surprised the student knew who he was. Hopefully it was from his stellar reputation as one of the top students in his year. Kyousuke went on to assume that. "I'm fine," Kyousuke said somewhat emotionlessly. He took in the boy in front of him, really trying to think if he knew him at all. "What's your name?" he ended up asking, "I can't remember if we've met before, sorry." Kyousuke was sure they hadn't, but it was important to politely cover his bases.
Caius laughed lightly, hands in his pockets. "No worries! I'm Cauis, we share classes sometimes. Though I'm not as involved as you are," He replied with an easy smile. "Want to walk with me?" He asked, stepping aside a bit and motioning with his arm for them to continue on together.
Kyousuke probably should have noticed that the other boy had been in his classes, but if he was honest, Kyousuke was usually spending most of his energy concentrating on the lesson. "Oh, right," Kyousuke said, making sure to remember Caius' name. It wouldn't be hard; it was a name that showed up in Shakespeare's plays after all. "Sure," Kyousuke agreed, though he didn't know how he felt about Caius yet. If he was honest, he was a bit wary around new people. "Are you taking a break from studying too?" Kyousuke asked, not fully aware that not everyone always studied as much as he did.
Caius smiled and started walking again, starting on a new track. "Nah, just getting some fresh air," He countered. "Do you study a lot?" He asked, thinking to how Kyousuke acted in class. He could imagine that the boy was a great student, if he was the same in all of his classes.
Kyousuke nodded, finding it a bit unusual to not be studying, but he knew not everyone had the dedication he did. He didn't resent that - it made it easier for him to be the best, after all. "Yes, it's why I'm here. To do well," Kyousuke said matter-of-factly. "So I study as much as I can. With appropriate breaks. I also do acting but that's mostly during the semester breaks," Kyousuke decided to share. "Do you have many hobbies?"
Caius nodded, taking note of what Kyousuke said. It made sense. He considered the question. "I like to travel," He offered. "Visit places, really see the world." He gave his new friend an easy smile. "There's so much of it, it feels silly to just sit around when I have the means to go out and find new things." He laughed. "But since I'm stuck here, I tend to read a lot- explore new worlds through the stories in the library."
Kyousuke listened to the other boy intently. His mind strayed, as it often did, to imagining what sort of character he'd be in a play. He seemed the protagonist type, yearning for a new adventure. "I haven't done much travel," Kyousuke admitted. "My family's from Japan, but I've lived in New Zealand all my life. Maybe one day I'll get to visit." Kyousuke knew his family didn't exactly have the money for it, but he wasn't about to share that information. He knew there were easier ways to travel as well in the magical world but he wasn't well-acquainted with them. "So you're a reader," Kyousuke stated. "I mostly stick to non-fiction and history. Except, of course, plays. Shakespeare's my favourite." Kyousuke said the latter statement as though it was what everyone's favourite should be.
Caius nodded. "Oh, Japan is great, we went a few summers ago," He offered. He shrugged at the statement. "I'm only a reader when I have to be," He countered. "I've explored all I can reach around here, but occassionally I wonder through it all again." He smiled at Kyousuke. "Shakespeare is pretty cool- I think I like The Tempest best," He offered. "Though you can never go wrong with a good production of Romeo and Juliet, or a Midsummer Nights Dream."
Kyousuke's eyebrows rose at hearing Caius had been to Japan. "Where did you go in Japan?" he asked, a little curious. "My family's from Tokyo but I kind of want to visit Kyoto more, if I ever go." Kyousuke just thought the architecture and history there was impeccable. He nodded as Caius spoke, slowly warming up to him. He wasn't half-bad - friendly, true, and often Kyousuke wasn't a fan of friendly - but he was a good listener and Kyousuke appreciated that. "Pretty cool?" Kyousuke repeated skeptically. "He's the best there ever was, in my opinion." He approved of Caius' play choices. "I enjoy the tragedies and some of the histories the most, but I do enjoy The Tempest. One day I hope to play Prospero. He's a very commanding character. Maybe when I grow up a bit." Kyousuke knew he was short - shorter than most his age. But he had aspirations.
Cauis shrugged. "A few places. Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, a few others." He offered like it was the easiest answer in the world. "Its definitely a beautiful country." Cauis smiled easily. He liked travelling. There was always somewhere new to go. He turned a bit to face Kyousuke. "Shakespeare is a really good thing to enjoy- are you soley focused on his original works or do you like to explore all of the stuff coming out based on his work?" He asked, trying to imagine Kyousuke in one of those plays.
Kyousuke was actually kind of impressed. He hadn't expected this other student to know much about his home country - Kyousuke assumed most weren't interested - but he'd actually visited lots of places, and places Kyousuke would consider historically significant. "Wow," Kyousuke said simply. "You've really explored, then." He did say much more, but there was quiet admiration in his voice. He then considered Caius' question. "There's an interesting adapation called Throne of Blood. It's the Scottish play but set in feudal Japan. I enjoyed that." He paused a moment, before continuing. "I know there are more modern adapations. I'm not overly familiar with them."
Caius listened easily, nodding along. "That sounds like an interesting take," He offered easily. "That could be a fun project- just looking at the different ways people interpret Shakespeares work." He shrugged. "If you want I can talk to Cass, and maybe over break we can find some play to hit up?" He offered, thinking it would be fun to go out with some friends.
Kyousuke considered this. It could be 'fun', he had to admit that. Maybe it would be worthwhile. He frowned, however. "Cass?" He tried to remember if he knew anyone by that name. Perhaps it was short for something. He did like the idea of going to a play with friends - well, friend. Kyousuke would reserve judgment on whoever this 'Cass' person was until he knew him a bit better. "I could be open to that," Kyousuke said, which was as good as a confirmation from him.
Caius chuckled. "Cassius, my twin. Of course, I'm the cute one," He teased. He smiled at the agreement, smacking his hand lightly against his leg. "Awesome! I'll find something great for us to go see," He decided, nodding. He turned, walking backwards and smiling at his new friend. "So, studious and you love Shakespeare. What else do you like?"
"Oh, you have a twin." Kyousuke thought that he should have known that, but somehow didn't. "Are you similar to each other?" Kyousuke asked, then nodded at the boy's proposition. It felt different to leave such a choice to someone else but Kyousuke supposed it was good to trust others sometimes. Perhaps. He'd see what came of it and make his decision from there. "What else do I like?" Kyousuke repeated, giving himself time to think about it. "I like history. Specifically Japanese history, but I like most history."
Caius nodded. "Identical, though I like to think I'm the fun one," He offered with a playful wink. He let Kyousuke think, smiling as the boy finally spoke. "History can be pretty cool," He agreed, trying to think on some fun fact he'd picked up. "Like, um- did you know that New Zealand has the town with the longest name in the world?" He asked, knowing he'd never be able to pronounce it. But he had memorized the letters.


Talk about a mouthful.
Kyousuke did wonder what Caius' other twin would be like. "I have a sister but we're definitely not similar or twins," Kyousuke said. Kyousuke then listened to Caius' fact - it was something Kyousuke dimly remembered hearing about but he'd never realised just how long the name was. "Wow. I wonder what it means," Kyousuke said thoughtfully, impressed Caius knew it off the topic of his head, "Māori place names often refer to an event or describe the terrain, is what I've heard. For example, the Māori name for Wellington is something like Te Whanganui-a-Tara, which means the big harbour of Tara, who was a Māori explorer."
Caius smiled. "Oh, that's cool! Younger or older?" He asked, wanting to get to know his new friend. He listened, nodding along to what the boy is saying. "This country really does have such a rich history," He offered in turn. "There always seems to be something else just fascinating to learn about," He locked his hands behind his heads. "Outside of theater, what else do you like?" He asked, flashing Kyousuke an easy grin.

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