Closed A Careless Wander

Kyousuke Kurosawa

Ambitious | Introvert | Open-minded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Exercise was good for the brain, Kyousuke knew, so in between study breaks he liked to get some fresh air and wander around the school grounds. Today was no different as he walked, hands in pockets, considering the environment and repeating in his head the words of a Shakespearean monologue. He had a new one to learn, and a potential upcoming audition in the summer that he knew he had to nail. They seemingly didn't put on plays at Hogwarts, which was a constant disappointment to Kyousuke. He was in his own world, not really thinking when he accidentally bumped into someone in front of him who abruptly came to a stop. Kyousuke wasn't going too fast, so it was only a small bump, but it took him out of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry," he muttered to the other boy, someone he didn't recognise at all.
Caius had gotten in the habit of taking a few walks during the day, getting fresh air and just a general change of scenery. He had never been one to sit still for too long, and maybe it made him spoiled but he was used to being able to whisk away anywhere he wanted pretty much at the drop of a hat. Being confined to one castle was something new for him, and something he was sure he could adjust to... eventually. Probably. He was drawn out of his thoughts when someone bumped into him, and he smiled. "Oh, hey Kurosawa." He greeted. "No worries. You alright?" He asked, checking in.
Kyousuke was a bit surprised the student knew who he was. Hopefully it was from his stellar reputation as one of the top students in his year. Kyousuke went on to assume that. "I'm fine," Kyousuke said somewhat emotionlessly. He took in the boy in front of him, really trying to think if he knew him at all. "What's your name?" he ended up asking, "I can't remember if we've met before, sorry." Kyousuke was sure they hadn't, but it was important to politely cover his bases.
Caius laughed lightly, hands in his pockets. "No worries! I'm Cauis, we share classes sometimes. Though I'm not as involved as you are," He replied with an easy smile. "Want to walk with me?" He asked, stepping aside a bit and motioning with his arm for them to continue on together.
Kyousuke probably should have noticed that the other boy had been in his classes, but if he was honest, Kyousuke was usually spending most of his energy concentrating on the lesson. "Oh, right," Kyousuke said, making sure to remember Caius' name. It wouldn't be hard; it was a name that showed up in Shakespeare's plays after all. "Sure," Kyousuke agreed, though he didn't know how he felt about Caius yet. If he was honest, he was a bit wary around new people. "Are you taking a break from studying too?" Kyousuke asked, not fully aware that not everyone always studied as much as he did.
Caius smiled and started walking again, starting on a new track. "Nah, just getting some fresh air," He countered. "Do you study a lot?" He asked, thinking to how Kyousuke acted in class. He could imagine that the boy was a great student, if he was the same in all of his classes.

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