🌹 Rose Giving A Canary Yellow Rose

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie had successfully handed off the first rose from her list, but had immediately had to ask a few people for the next one. Holden Marshall. She was pointed in the direction of a gryffindor student at the gryffindor table, and quickly thanked them before dashing off to hand over the rose. "Holden Marshall?" she asked as she approached the boy. "I have a rose for you,"
There seemed to be a general assumption that as you got older all this mushy valentines stuff would just... somehow become appealing. Well, it wasn't. Holden hated days like this. He didn't even care. If his eyes kept flicking towards where Vanity sat at the Slytherin table, that was none of anybody's business. He kept a permanent frown on his face, glaring at anyone around him and pointedly looking away from Slytherin whenever it seemed like someone was about to catch his eye. Whatever. He was so busy being grumpy that he didn't even realise there was a younger girl approaching him, jumping slightly in surprise at the sound of his name. His eyes flicked over to her, then down to the roses in surprise, then quickly did his best to paste the frown back into place on his brow. "What?" He grunted, hoping she hadn't caught the hopeful moment in his eyes.
Callie looked at the boy, Holden, he was a little older than she was. He seemed surprised and then was frowning. "I have a rose for you," she repeated, taking out the yellow rose and the note that went with it.
Dear Holden,

Happy Valentine's Day! I love you.

Don't be a stranger!

Holden's heart dropped as soon as he saw the colour of the rose she was handing him. Whatever. It had been dumb to hope. He glanced at the Slytherin table, then looked away again quickly. "Whatever." He said out loud this time, taking the rose and opening its note. Even if it was yellow, maybe- no. Ugh. Sure, his sister was nice or whatever, but why would she send him a rose?! He crumpled the note up and stuffed it in his pocket, returning without a word to his meal, grouchier than ever before.
Callie was a little torn as she watched the boy's reaction to the rose and the note. It made her feel like he'd been expecting something else. from someone else. She lingered beside him, trying to figure out if she should say anything or if she should just leave him to it.
It was only once he had a mouthful of food that Holden realised he wasn't alone. Glancing to his side, he gave the girl an uncomfortable look up and down. "What?" he grumbled around his mouthful.
Callie considered her options as the boy questioned it, before shaking her head. "It's nothing, sorry, I'll go," she said "happy valentine's,", before turning and beginning to walk away.

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