Open A Brand New Energy

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | carefree | enigmatic 🍃
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
**Open after Camilla posts with Oz**

Ruto was happy to be back at Hogwarts, despite knowing that classes were also a big part of it. At least this year she didn't have to worry about the pressure of the OWL exams, not that they really pressured her anyway - she was just tired of people around her being stress heads. This year she was optimistic that everyone would be a lot calmer, that the negative energies would be restored, and that overall people would be happy. As classes were about to start up again, Ruto knew she had to spend her time relaxing a little before heading fully into the year. She knew of no place better to do so than the outdoors. It was a nice spring day, the sun was out, and she knew she needed to soak some of it in. She found a spot on the grass where the sun directly hit, and lay herself down on her back, spreading out her legs and arms. She didn't care if people had to walk around her or over her, as she thought she had the best spot of them all, and that others just neglected to see the beauty in the small things. She closed her eyes and began to think she was floating on a cloud, high up and away from all of the people in the world.

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