Old School Week A Bit Of Holiday Cheer

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Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
Dahlia hadn't exactly had the best semester, but she wasn't going to let that get her down. She'd dressed up and headed down to the Yule Ball, and was standing on the edge of the dance floor, looking around to see if she could find a partner.
Terror knew that dances were not his thing. He was merely curious this evening since Horror was going, so might as well. Dressed in his normal clothes, he walked in with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. He noticed someone dressed up, so he smirked and approached. "Dahlia, no partner but all dressed up. I guess your mood has improved."
Dahlia made a face at the no partner comment, but shrugged. "No boys were smart enough to ask me," she joked, smiling at Terror despite herself. "It's hard to be cranky at Christmas."
Terror wondered if it bothered girls so much to come with dates. Weird. "If it helps, I don't see a lot of second years with dates. Can't imagine people going to these things with that in mind. Hanging out maybe." Terror was curious if his dad ever went. Probably not. "If you say so. If I go home, I have my siblings to put up with, and a pregnant mom."
"You're probably right," Dahlia admitted, in no mood to argue. "I guess it's not really a big deal until like, fifth year or something." She gave a sympathetic look. "Yeah, my sister's gonna be mad at me all break. Your mum's having a baby?"
Terror sort of figured that he was right, but he gestured toward his twin brother and his friend by the food table. "Although when you go with friends, I assume you look less pathetic. In the eyes of superficial people." Terror already made it clear that was not his scene. "Piss off your sister? Oh no, what did you do? And yes. Pretty sure they fought over it since Ravage was supposed to be the last."
Dahlia decided to try and ignore the pathetic comment even if she felt a bit riled up by it. Now was not the time to get into an argument. "I didn't do anything 'cept have magic. She wanted it, and she doesn't. I'd give her mine if I could, but I can't." She winced at the idea of having another sibling now. "Guess they got a bit too passionate?" Probably a weird comment, but perhaps kind of true.
Terror was reminded that she was muggle-born. So, her sister didn't get magic? That sucked for her. "Oof yeah, but she can't blame you for getting lucky. Blame your ancestor for being a squib and marrying a muggle. That's just a theory on how muggle-borns get their magic." Terror made a gesture with his hand, though his face quickly twisted into one of disgust. "That's gross to even think about. Anyway, did you want to dance with someone?"
Dahlia had to admit she'd never thought about it like that. She just assumed it was some weird superhero type thing, like those old comics and movies her dad liked when he was her age. "It is what it is, I guess." She didn't consider herself lucky, but she wasn't going to admit that. "Do you wanna dance with me? No pressure if you don't, I don't even know how you're meant to dance at these kinda things."
Terror was curious on why she never looked that up. But that was her blood line, and not his. When she asked if he wanted to dance with her, he stared at her and recalled his words could have meant like that - even though that was not his intention. "I wasn't meaning to offer myself, but if the music switches to something more classical, I can dance to that. My family throws fancy parties so we are expected to know the fancy stuff." Terror was not a pro. But he was good.
Dahlia tilted her head. "Oh, you weren't? My bad." She kind of wondered if Valerius was around, but he was probably dancing with a girl in his own year. "Huh. That's kinda neat, that you have to learn that. I bet it's full on though. Our fancy parties are like, a bunch of adults drinking too much prosecco and getting noise complaints from the neighbours."
Gregory's day had been salvaged by Snow, truly one of his only friends in this school. But head heading out when he spotted Dahlia. Feeling a little bolder, he began walking towards her before noticing who she was with. The boy from Halloween. His whole face fell. He turned and walked out of the yuleball, feeling pretty sad at the loss of a friend.
Terror smirked as she had made assumptions, but then she mentioned how she bet that it was full on. Though her parties sounded a lot better. He knew once that there was a party thrown, and two members of the higher ups almost died. It was supposed to be grand. From the corner of his eye, he could see the Hufflepuff that he had tormented. He held out his hand to Dahlia, "Here, allow me to show you proper dancing. Just don't read too much into it. I most certainly don't have a crush on you."
Unfortunately, Dahlia didn't see Gregory at all. "Don't worry, I didn't think you did," she admitted. Sure, Terror was cute, but he was also a bit scary. It would just be nice to dance with a boy at an event like this, without having to worry about trying to flirt or anything. "Alright, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Least I don't think I'll step on your toes," she said, taking his hand and letting him lead her onto the floor.
Terror knew as long as he did not let Dahlia know what he and his twin did to Gregory on Halloween, then this would go down without a hitch. Plus, it would be funny to see Gregory lose everyone because of his blind trust. People were so easy to sway. Once her hand was in his, he led her out to the dance floor, and rested his other hand on her waist. "Feel free to step on them. I'm pretty sturdy. This will be your only time dancing with me, I'm sure. I don't see myself coming to these things often." Terror took the lead as he started to dance with the Gryffindor.
Dahlia was blissfully unaware of anything else going on. Wizards were strange, but Terror seemed much less awful than his cousin. "I'm quick on my feet," she insisted, demonstrating it by being able to keep up, even in heels. "Aw, if only I had a camera to remember this then," she joked, grinning. "In that case, I'm honoured, and I suppose if they make you a prefect you'll get forced to come along anyway."
Terror was impressed with how she showed herself as she danced, even in heels. That was brag worthy in his books. "I can see that. If you did have a camera, I wouldn't oppose. You could show your friends how you had a good time with a Zhefarovich. No one would believe you." Terror smirked, mainly because his family was notorious for being, well, bad in general. "If Castillo makes me a prefect, I'll question his sanity. You would get it long before me. And Cassius too."
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