A Birthday...

Clarabella Mayfleet

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jo-Jo [main] ღ
It was January, 2027, 3rd in New Zealand. It was nice weather. Clary was asleep in her bed. It was her birthday. Her day she would be getting her Higwarts Letter, she hoped anyway. She didn't want to go to Durmstrang with the twins, but to HNZ. She was a Halfblood, on her mothers side. Clary woke up in her summer house. She was pushed there, especially after June married Lex. Clary hated June, and June hated her. June would snap spiteful comments about Clary all the time, and what made Clary upset the most, Lex didn't do anything.

Stretching her arms and yawning, Clary looked around at her very tatty room. June had shoved her there after she met her. June had always despised Clary. She sat up and cuddled her bear, Eddie. Setting Eddie down next to her she grabbed her water and sipped.
Lex made his way up to his sister's room and saw her sleeping. There was still that fondness of a little sister and the urgency to protect her, but he couldn't reprimand his wife when it came to her comments. It wasn't in his place, as much as he wanted it to be. None the less, he wanted to make her happy on her birthday. Once she had awoken, Lex went over to Clary and sat down. He smiled more and more, smoothing out her hair and kissing her forehead. "Happy birthday sweetheart." At this point Lex tried to be more of a parent to her, though that was stressful now that he was going to have his own child.
When Lex walked into her room and said happy birthday, she smiled. "Thanks Lex." she smiled and hugged her eldest brother. "Oh! Have anyetters arrived?" she pleaded her brother. Lex always acted like a father to Clary and it would be her first birthday without them. She sighed a bit before looking at Lex. "Will June be with us? Or can she do me a favor and go to work for once?" she asked.

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