A Beautiful View

Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
Asaiah walked out of the Slytherin common room with three letters in his hand, and made his way to the North Tower to let his owl, Axel, deliver them to his parents and uncle. It was quite a trip to make it to the Tower and once there, Asaiah stopped for a while, catching his breath because he had ran half of the way. Leaning again a wall, the first year looked out of a window to the quidditch pitch and smiled. He couldn't wait until his first year was over and he would be a second year student so that he could try out for the Slytherin quidditch team.
Bryony rarely ventured to the top of the castle she found it quite intimidating to be up there. It seemed to be the farthest point away from the sanctuary of the common room and she felt quite edgy being so high up. It was also quite rare that she was without her best friend Liam who she seemed to do everything with these days. Quite out of breath she finally reached the top of the stairs and she found herself staggering into the room trying to catch her breath. She wondered how people could actually do this daily, let alone several times a day.
Wanting to play for the Slytherin Quidditch team badly, Asaiah had been day dreaming that he would be flying and swinging his beater's bat at bludgers while he was a second year. He was doing all kinds of stunts on his broom whilst still being able to swing his bat to hit a bludger when a sound brought him back to the reality. The first year jerked his head around to see who made the sound. Asaiah smiled when he saw that it was a girl, clearly being out of breath just like he was a few minutes back. ''Hey!'' he exclaimed still having a smile on his face.
Once she reached the top of the tower she decided to lean against the wall for a few seconds to try and get her breath back and then she realised that she wasn't actually alone up in the tower. The unknown boy had turned around to greet her and she smiled at him. "H... hey there" she managed to get out, still trying to regain her breath. He looked extremely friendly, for what seemed to be a Slytherin? Bryony had been made aware of the infamous Slytherin traits since being at the school but this boy, on appearance at least, seemed to defy them. She decided not to judge a book it's cover. After all, if people did that with Bryony she might not have many friends.
Asaiah laughed when she greeted him. ''Did you also run your way up?'' he asked her because she was still trying to get her breath back. ''Because I did and I too was out of breath when I reached the top.'' For a second he glanced back outside to the Quiddich pitch, wondering if one of the four houses would train today and if he could go and watch them. Asaiah looked back at her and noticed the Hufflepuff badge on her robes and smiled. ''Hey, you're in Hufflepuff too! I've got a friend who is also in that House, though I haven't seen her in a while.'' He walked over to the girl and extended his arm. ''I'm Asaiah.'' the first year said with his hand held up for her to shake it if she wanted to.
Bryony smiled at the boy who seemed to be full of beans, it was a wonder that he wasn't actually bouning off the walls. She wondered what it would be like to be that hyper all the time but that just made her feel even more tired. Deciding to get her breath back she walked over to one of the available windows and sat on it's ledge while she listened to the boy who was still talking at her. Once she felt confident that she could actually speak she shook her head at the boy's first question "all i've done is climb... and I'm like this! How...how did you run up here?" she asked the boy. Bryony looked down at her robes and smiled sheepishly "yeah i'm in Hufflepuff. Who is your friend?" she wondered out loud. She shook the boys hand when he walked over to introduce himself "i'm Bryony" she replied "I see you're in Slytherin. I don't know that many people in your house" she admitted.
Asaiah smiled at the Hufflepuff girl as she was talking and in response said to her, ''Mom and dad are waiting for my letter back at home, so I thought I would run all the way up rather than walk.'' Because he had already been late twice on responding to their letters, his parents gave the Slytherin a final warning; if he would be late once more this year, Asaiah wasn't allowed to go to the next Quidditch game anymore. When the Hufflepuff girl asked him who his other Hufflepuff friend was, Asaiah replied, ''Her name is Freya, maybe you know her? Haven't seen her in awhile - I should definitely pay the Hufflepuff common room a visite sometime and see if she's there.'' Not having the slightest clue that he began to speak rapidly the boy smiled once more. When the girl had introduced herself as well and shook his head, Asaiah said, ''Nice to meet you Bryo.. Bryony.'' finding how to pronounce her name rather hard, though, much to his surprise, managed to pronounce it correctly. ''Yes I am!'' he said as he patted the Slytherin crest on his robe. ''Guess I've got the honor of being the first one then!''
So sorry this is late!

Bryony shook her head at the boys answer "you're crazy!" she exclaimed laughing. She smiled when Asaiah said that the friend he knew from Hufflepuff was Freya. She nodded "yeah I know her I know her quite well actually, she's my roommate" she explained to the Slytherin boy. Bryony raised her eyebrow when the boy talked about visiting the Hufflepuff common room "erm, are you allowed to do that? to visit my common room?" she asked the boy. She smiled at Asaiah and nodded "it's strange how we're all separated. Most of my friends are Hufflepuff, I don't really see anyone else. Apart from in classes, of course" she said, wondering if the boy had many friends from the different houses. Although, one of the reasons why she hadn't met many people from other houses was probably because she was quite shy and rarely ventured from the common room.
''You know her, too? Awesome! We can all hang out now!'' Asaiah said, way too excited at the idea of them hanging out together. When Bryony asked him if he was allowed to go into their common roon he shrugged and said, ''I don't know. I hope so.'' It would have been awesome if other students were allowed to visit the other ones common room every once in awhile, but knowing the many, stupid, rules the school had, Asaiah probably wasn't allowed to go into the Hufflepuff common room. The Slytherin nodded. ''It is stupid that we are all separated if you ask me.'' Asaiah told her.

Sorry :tut:

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