
Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
Stephanie walked along the lawn, she was feeling lonely. She hadnt really had anyone to talk to, not anyone she knew.

Steph was looking out, towards the castle when she saw her friend Lali,
'Lali?!' Steph shouted, 'Hey over here!'
Waving, Steph walked towards her.
Lali was done with lessons for that day so she decided it was time for a small break before she hit the books. Lali really wanted some fresh air so she decided a walk would be best.

She grabbed her sweater just in case it got chilly and she walked outside to go on the lawn. Minutes after she hit the small patch of grass she heard her name being called. Lali looked over to see who was calling her name as she saw it was Steph. A smile spread across her face "Hey Steph" Lali said as she walked over to her friend.

"How have you been?" lali asked.
'Ive been good yeah, a bit busy with my classes and we got homework on the first day!' Stephanie laughed, 'How've you been?'

Stephanie was glad of the company, she felt like she hadnt spoken to Lali in a long time.
"Busy Busy Busy" Lali said "I can relate to that in full" She continued "Yes we did too get homework for the first class and of coarse I made it ten times harder than it had to be. I guess it must be the Ravenclaw in me" Lali said laughing slightly.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in so long" Lali said "This school is so big I feel as if we don't even bump into each other. I wonder if we have any classes together. Do you know if we do?" Lali asked wondering.
'I havnt got a clue, i looked at my timetable this morning, but ive forgotten now!' Stephanie told Lali, 'Yeah we have to meet up more. Have you met any new friends then?'
She asked smiling and picking up her cat dizzy, who had just walked up to Steph and started rubbing her head on the bottom of Steph's robes.

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