2025 Resolutions and Goals!

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey folks :hug:

Following up from Sarah's end of year reflections thread I figured since it is now 2025 in most if not all parts of the world it made sense to post a thread with what resolutions and/or goals we have for the next year! Or really, if not a goal or resolution than anything you're looking forward to or what makes you hopeful for the new year ahead!

My main goal this year is just to take better care of myself, with skincare, physical and mental health, and just trying to remember to take a moment to breathe and not let myself overwork or burn out or go out of my way to achieve perfection that isn't possible :tut:. Perfectionism is likely something I won't fix in a year as it's branded into my core but hey that doesn't mean I can't at least try to ease up on the often unrealistic expectations I set for myself.

I have also in the last couple of years created a mood board for the new year, or a 'vision board' and this is specifically goal oriented and is basically a set of images relating to the goals you want to achieve during the year. The idea is to place this board of goals and visions somewhere you will see it everyday to help remind you of everything you're working towards, and to help you 'manifest' these goals. Of course you do also need to do the work to achieve your goals but having visual reminders really helps and it's something I want to keep doing!!

I started this based off of a youtuber I watched named Amber Scholl, and you can see her vision board video for 2025 here. I don't make a physical board, I just collect images and make it my computer's desktop background because this is easier for me and is something i will definitely see most days. It is fun and keeps me optimistic to actually work towards my goals and dreams!! I won't be sharing my vision board as a lot of it is very personal and stuff I'd rather not share online, but it would be great to see if anyone else has something similar they do to remind them of their dreams.

In saying this, what goals does everyone else have for the year 2025? Are there any specific trips or events you have planned that you're looking forward to? Do you also make some equivalent of a vision board??

Let's start the year off with happy vibes and sharing things that will make us happy in the year ahead :hug:
I did well with my goals last year so copying them over and modifying them a little-

- I read 17 books last year, so going to keep it to a modest 15 again because life will be a bit crazy once mid-year hits.
- Staying active. I want to do a class, either in person or at home, once a week and then twice a week just using the equipment I have at home.
- Hitting my new goal with my savings account. Am very close to being able to make a huge purchase if I can meet this year's goal.
- I want to paint more. It was a hobby years ago, and I've been missing it.

I recommend vision boards to people all the time, but I've only ever worked on one for myself once. xD There are a lot of websites that allow you to make virtual vision boards too for folks who don't want the mess/don't have the patience for looking through magazines and cutting things out.
I don't have huge goals this year. I do want to pay off my student loan (but I'm almost done with that) and make sure I stay active. I kind of want to try if I can walk 10k steps a day every day, since I tend to hit that on workdays anyway.
I might have to try the vision board thing one day!! Although my goals this year aren't very visual xD

-Start driving lessons
-Cut down on pointless scrolling/youtube
-Go to sleep before midnight on weekdays
-Go for more morning walks

Nothing too crazy, and no exact figures so I can't feel like I failed, but the last 3 will make a huge difference to my energy levels and productivity I think :lol:
Ooo yey I like new years resolutions! I made a few myself because they usually help me to keep myself accountable more than any other typa like decision to change my habits...

- 2025 WILL BE MY YEAR! (Idc I will have the best year yet, because after 2024 I deserve a good year.)
- I want to read 25 books!! I had 24 book goal last year and did 29 so hoping to do better!
- Cutting toxic people from my circle and focusing on myself! It also goes along with the healing one that I want to work on things and heal my inner child and the person I am today!
- Eat healthier! I want to eat healthier because ngl since having Pneumonia in march I have been running on fumes and constantly just too tired and my eating habits have slipped so i want to fix that!
- Start working on building back my muscles in some parts of my body!
- Do more things I like, I have always cut down on doing things I love because I am either too afraid to or feel guilty, but no moreee.
- Last and not least do well in my matriculation exams this spring and coming fall! English is my first one and so far I believe I'll do just fine but I still want to succeed!

We shall see how many of them succeed because it is quite a lot but also a few are quite easy to do and will genuinely improve my life quality! Either way I am excited to bring this new year on and make it my own! :teehee: :wub:
Yay new year's resolutions! I have a feeling mine will be somewhat similar to last year's, with just a few differences.

- Read 24 books in 2025, fiction or nonfiction. I want to get back into reading and I think a book every two weeks is probably doable.
- Maintain good grades but don't burn myself out. Have study hours that are manageable, and do my best.
- Commit to te reo Māori outside of class more. I'm in full immersion this year and it's going to require me to actually search out for opportunities to practice so I've got to be more proactive.
- Tidy my room and maintain that tidiness. This'll be the hardest one probably. I am really bad at keeping a tidy room - Kris can vouch for me. It gets bad.
- Be more active but take it slow. Gradually build up and make a habit of it.

I think I should stop there because realistically there's only so much I can really aim for in a year with how my mental health is. I like the idea of a vision board a lot but I've never properly made one. I might get onto that, it's a neat idea!
I posted these in the reflections thread. but i will copy and paste them here.

1) i am going to take time to look after myself. build myself back up to where i was in the past (working on my mental health, but also looking at physical health, diet and fitness). and make sure i am not harming myself to look after others. (if that means finding a new GP and booking an appointment today to try and get on top of said mental health then that is it ((I did do that and have made the first steps and seen the GP already))).
2) each month i am going to do at least one activity just for me. and not feel like i am missing out because I don't have someone to do it with (it doesn't mean i have to do said activity on my own. just that i should do it and not wait around for someone to join me)
3) make sure I donate something to charity each month.
4) not leave all my work CPD to the last minute (again)
Hi guys! I usually miss things (I'm horrible at lurking and I lose days so I miss a lot of things lol) but I did make a point when I glanced this to be sure that I got around to replying.

I already scribbled out a few things earlier, and while I've not been the most faithful its still early and the early days are generally the hardest.

  • read 6 books a month
  • walk every day
  • wash face/brush hair/brush teeth (before bed and again when I get up)
  • stretch 3x a day
  • meditate more
  • 30 minutes cleaning a day
  • 50-100 words written a day
  • draw 20 minutes daily
  • 3 new movies a week
  • one to two new seasons a month
basically my plan this year is just to try and 'stick with it' lol, I'm terribly at starting things and not quite going through all of them. here's hoping, yeah?
Look, tw for mine for mental health issues so I'll put it under a spoiler and I apologise for being rather dark but my resolution is:

to still be here. I don't especially want to which is probably the reason why I have to.

No trying to behold myself to better habits or anything that I know I won't be able to stick with. Just that.

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