Closed 1st Yule Ball Date

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Bern Malakas

Magizoologist Enthusiast | Charming Brave Smile 🐰
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Gay)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
05/2042 (13)
Bern was so excited to his 1st attend at rule ball with a date he waiting for his Charlie to enter the great hall and he wishes that this event will be memorable for both of them.
Charlie had to admit, he was a little nervous about tonight. He hadn't thought it through when he'd offered to come to the ball with Bern, and he realized the more he thought about it he didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to act on a date? He had gone out to the gardens and picked a red rose, thinking it only appropriate. He made his way to the great hall then, spotting Bern easily. Charlie smiled shyly and walked over. "Hi Bern," he greeted, and held out the rose. "I picked this for you." He admitted, blushing as he said it.
Bern surprise that Charlie is a super sweet boy he appreciates the Red Ross that he gave to me, Bern said thank you for the red rose this want of my favorite muggle flower, and then he asks if he wants to dance now or we talk first before we dance on the yule ball stage.
Charlie smiled softly, pleased that Bern liked the flower. He thought about Bern's question a moment, and offered out his hand to the other boy. "Maybe we can dance first?" He asked. His dad had always taught him not to run away from things when he was nervous. "Then maybe we can sit and have some snacks after?"
Bern gets his Charlie hand because we start our dance and the getting to know each will be later, when we start our dance, Bern ask if possible for you to be in love in gay?.

Bern was regretted asking that personal question to Charlie but it's done so he waits to his answer.
Charlie was worried he wouldn't be a good dancer, but he was willing to try. This was different than dancing with his roommates. He blinked, surprised by Berns question. "Oh," Charlie thought about it. "I'm not sure... I think I could?" He gave Bern a shy smile. "I've never really thought about dating before. I could probably fall in love with a guy," he answered honestly. "I don't have a real preference for guys or girls. Just... Depends on who it is," Charlie told Bern.
Bern felt guilty when he sees and that Charlie faces shocked but when I've heard his answer I'm happy for what I heard from him and Bern said to Charlie that sorry for that serious question were too young for love and then Bern want to feel the moment with a beautiful song with his date Charlie.
Charlie laughed a little as Bern apologized and shook his head in response. "You never need to be sorry for asking me stuff, Bern. We might still be young but that's an important question. We're on a date; if it goes well, and you want to go on a date again, it's better to know now if this could go anywhere in the future," he agreed. He smiled as the song slowed, and he stepped closer, offering out his hands. He wasn't sure if it worked the same, but his dad had told him for slow songs he should put his hands on either his partners shoulders or their waist, depending on who was taller. He wasn't sure if Bern would want to slow dance, but Charlie would offer anyway.
Bern was so thrilling every time Charlie has to offer his hand to dance so Bern grabs his hands and follow Charlie to what happens in our slow dance with lovely music background, Bern smiles widely and see Charlie face he's feeling now was so unknown but he knows that he is happy that have a partner date in yule ball this year. Does Bern ask you will go home this vacation?
Charlie smiled, relaxing as he and Bern swayed to the music. "Yes, I go home every time they let me," he replied. "I'm really close with my dad, so I really love going home to see him again." He explained. "Are you staying for the break?" He asked.
Bern heard that Charlie will be going home on holiday he is jealous a little bit, and the reason why he answers Charlie question My country is so far away so he doesn't know form this year if I will stay at Hogwarts, my Parents not worried me because I have cousin her at Hogwarts same house but he is 4th year, but I wish I will be going home because the Christmas in my mother side is the Philippines was so unique but I want to experience a holiday in Hogwarts, Bern so talkative and stop when he thinks he answers more
Charlie listened to Bern, smiling at the boys enthusiasm. Charlie chuckled lightly. "Well, if you end up not liking your holiday here, maybe next Christmas I can talk to my dad about you coming back to New York and spending Christmas with us?" He offered. Deciding to speak his mind a bit, he smiled. "You're cute when you go on like that."
Bern felt excited and overwhelmed when he heard Charlie has invited my next holiday to their country, Bern reply I try to ask my parents if both of them agree to go to your country next holiday I will come and tell you right away, But whatever will I be celebrated for this holiday in Hogwarts or Philippines, I'm happy to have a romantic guy like you will be my first date at the yule ball Bern said to Charlie.
Charlie smiled, making a note in his mind to pick up a present for Bern while he was home. He wondered what Bern might like. "Thanks," he laughed, feeling a little shy. "If you wanted, maybe we could meet up again? This is fun, I think I'd like to know you better," he offered. "If you wanted to, I mean." he was quick to add. "I totally understand if you would rather this was just a one time thing." He didn't want to make Bern feel obligated to see him again.
Bern responds to Charlie question "yes I'm okay to meet or to know you better also and when having a class with your house if you like we be a seatmate also", that will be okay to me I'm happy that I have a friend like you right now and Bern hug Charlie and shocked while he does this and said sorry in my country when you happy and you know the person we hug them to express their happiness Bern worried field what he is doing right now.
Charlie smiled, glad that Bern agreed to meet again. He nodded at the suggestion, knowing he'd have to tell Eugene everything tonight. "I would like that, yeah. Maybe we can study together?" He thought out loud. He was surprised then when Bern hugged him. Before he could respond Bern pulled away. Charlie blinked, then laughed lightly, a blush staining his cheeks. "You don't need to apologize," he smiled, and stepped forward, catching Bern up in another hug. He smiled and shut his eyes, relaxing into the embrace. "I'm happy too," he murmured gently.
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