1st Year Age

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Oscar Edwards

Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm just wondering if its possible for a 1st Year student to be 10 years old going to Hogwarts or does it have to be 11?

Thanks :)
It has to be eleven. :)
But the character could turn eleven the day before school starts, so long as on the first day of school he/she is eleven. :D
I decided to post in here 'cos my questions to do with age too, and I think I've asked it before and just can't remember :oy:
Anyhoo, If Ellie turns 14 on the 20th of April, she'll still be 13 at the moment won't she?
Sorry, im a little confused atm :lol:
Yup. It's January in HNZ so Ellie's still 13.
Professor Nicolas King said:
It has to be eleven. :)
But the character could turn eleven the day before school starts, so long as on the first day of school he/she is eleven. :D
Alright :)
Thank you Nick ^_^
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