♪ a plot is a wish my heart makes ♪

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Okay, so I lurked your charrie, and I think he and Oliver would be an interesting meeting. I will warn that I'm embarking on a week (and a smidge more) of adventuring, so you might have to wait for a roleplay to kick off, but anyway, I'll give a caption of Ollie here.

Oliver comes from a slightly different home life. His parents are workaholics, who are very good at what they do. His mother is an auror, whilst his father works as a healer at St Mungos, specialising in children. Oliver has three baby brothers, and a twin sister, whom he has a decent relationship with (she annoys him to no end). He's basically raised himself, and when not doing that, he was watching his numerous family members off being serious, independent and strong, and so he tries to emulate this. He's cool, calm and collected, and whilst he had an inflexible nature when it comes to timetable changes and things not being efficient or regular, he's willing to do backflips in order to avoid confrontation. He will voice his opinion, be adament that the other person has to change, and if that didn't work, he'd bite the bullet and deal with it. He's generally a quiet kid, and doesn't like being interrupted. He's a bit cynical and sometimes has the grumps, but otherwise he's perfectly nice? xD
Among his more positive traits are his loyalty, and observational skills, and he is a natural mediator.

They're in the same house and year, so them meeting isn't an issue. I'm not entire sure how it would go, though. I await your feedback. xD
My first year is Jerara Tapsell he's a first year Ravenclaw, so in the same house and year, I think they could be friends! I have an open topic in their dorm room which he could join if you were interested? It's here, http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30052127/
I have Lily as a first year - She's not been sorted at the time of writing this, but they could be friends?
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