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Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
20 (21/9/2043)
Aine felt completely and utterly ridiculous, but she hoped that maybe the fact that she looked so unlike herself would help. Maybe nobody would easily recognise her, and she could freely ease in to character and maybe if she was recognized, it would be such a horrifying experience for the person who did recognize her that she would truly have succeeded in the objective. She'd scared herself looking in the mirror earlier. It was Halloween after all. A holiday she still barely understood or had any connection to but at least there was a party. She hung around near the pinata, hoping to get out a bit of OWL stress by beating the heck out of it.
Silas was just enjoying his costume petals, playing with them as he adjusted the pieces around his face to block out some of the extra light. As he turned around, his terrible peripheral vision almost had him run into one of his classmates. "Wooooah, sorry. Aine? You look very... peppy," he said excitedly, enjoying people who didn't just go dark and scary with their costumes.
Isadora was kind of hoping to hang out with Margo tonight, but she also didn't want her to feel like she had to pick between her and Cameron. She decided to seek out someone to talk to herself, then Margo wouldn't feel bad for her and take pity on her. She could hang out with Cameron if she wanted. She walked past some blond girl, and didn't register who it was until she heard Silas Broomhead call her Aine. Isadora stopped in her tracks. "Aine? Wow. That's- different." She said, taking her in. Her own costume was pretty unlike her too, but she didn't think it was as big a transformation.
Aine looked between the two of them, itching to take a swing at the pinata, quickly turning away and trying to flip her hair. "I don't know who you're talking about." She wasn't sure whether to go with that or with a comment about the old Aine not being able to come to the phone right now, but that reference wouldn't hit with the others when they were probably not as familiar with muggle culture. She turned back to look at both Silas and Isadora with a small smirk, a little glad she hadn't used the ballerina costume as she knew she'd probably look bad next to Isadora. "Scary, right?"
Silas waited for Aine to respond when one of their other classmates walked up next to them and seemed less enthused than he did with Aine's costume choice. He thought she looked great. Costumes were supposed to make people look different. When Aine asked if he thought her costume was scary though, he hesistated. He thought scary was blood and gore and masks with no eyes, not pink and bubblegum. "Scary to... who?" he asked, hoping she wasn't offended. But he just wasn't understanding. He wished his costume was as fashionable as hers.
Aine paused at Silas' comment, not sure how exactly to respond to it. Sure, it wasn't traditionally scary, but was the unknown or the vastly different not frightening? Change was just as scary as blood and guts and jumpscares, at least she thought so. She didn't really know how to express that without getting overly psychological, though, which didn't necessarily fit the mood of the night. So she just shrugged, trying to avoid a twitch of her mouth. "Scared me half to death looking in the mirror," she said, dryly. "The flower is nice, though. You look really pretty, Isadora," she added, trying to ignore the weird feeling of jealousy that threatened to bubble up.
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