{…I don't like you…}

Aislinn Langdon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
{?I don't like you?}

<r><FONT font="Times New Roman"><s></s><COLOR color="#000"><s></s> Aislinn time to get out of the towers and actually do some exploring. A year almost up, and she hasn't done much here at Hogwarts. She can't be blame, forcing herself out of comfort zone was like asking a fish to walk on land. She didn't like it all, and though she tried breaking out of hiding, she was never successful at it. The strawberry blonde fussed over every little thing not right about this school. From her housemates to classmate, to the awful dungeon smell. Aislinn poked and probe at every little flaw. It's no wander she stayed up the towers, the imperfection kept her away too. <br/>
Well the year is almost up, what are you gonna do Aislinn? Wait until the trains arrives for you to go home? No she guessed not. She sighed, today is the day then? To stop being a nagging little witch and actually explore the school for once. She made up her mind, after two long whole hours, she went outside carrying her favorite book. The chronicles of Narniar, she held it pressed against her developing chest. She was so worried about losing the damn book, she second guess the decision bringing it out in the first place. Oh well, to late to go back. She enter the garden, hues bounced all over the place. She spotted a perfect place to sit down and maybe enjoy a few chapters before she went back inside to have dinner in a little while. </COLOR><e>
Mischief was reflected on a pair of grey eyes hiding in the safety of a daisy shrub's foliage. Perseas knew well what attention were usually attracting these gardens. Starry eyed couples and bulimic bookworms, both making the best possible candidates to play a prank. The cub was looking for one particular bookworm that he enjoyed to mock to death. Rhiannon McGowan, the know-it-all Hufflepuff was the next victim in his long list. Playing pranks to his twin brother eventually got stale. It was time for a change. As always, he had made his research about the victim's habits, the places she was mostly visiting, when exactly and how she was going to react to his prank. The Gryffindor had excessively studied the particular girl to know she was using the bench he was currently looking at to enjoy a book. She was actually doing that almost every day around this time. This time around, Rhiannon was going to have company and that was the bombtastic bomb Perseas was passing from hand to hand while patiently waiting for her.

From his hideout he now discern the figure of a girl coming towards his way. Though it wasn't the girl he was hoping to see.
Now...who is she? he wondered curiously. This obviously wasn't Rhiannon nor anyone else he knew. The girl was around Perseas' age with strawberry blonde hair, carrying a book. Oh. A bookworm... he categorized the newcomer immediately in his head.
Alright. Let's get acquainted. It didn't matter it wasn't Rhiannon. This girl would also do. Perseas waited for her to sit down on the bench with her back on him. Then as she started flipping through the pages of her book, he toosed the bombtastic bomb towards her way and chuckled. He quickly cover his ears with his hands. It was going to be explosive.
She didn't see him coming which is weird because her senses were always on the alert for anything. To indulge into those ivory pages, she ignored him. Whoever he was, but how dare he pull a prank on her? She didn't know him, never made any eye contact with the male. Yet he took it upon himself to pull a fast one, so unexpected, very little time to react. When she saw the bomb, the girls eyes widen, frantic with fear. Oh come on! She's only been out in the open less then ten minutes and already she been made to a victim.

Well whatever it did, Aislinn covered her ears. It reacted on its own, the bomb bursting making a loud noise and anything she may have missed while covering her ears. Great she'll be deft for a while week. She stood up finally, the aftermath didn't look promising but she was okay. So far so good. "Ummm, excuse me!" She said in boiling anger. "Did you just destory what's left of my hearing?"
Sssshblamm! The deep, hollow sound might have echoed across the grounds but Perseas enjoyed watching the stranger processing what was going on when she noticed the bomb rolling next to her. She might have really good reflexes because she immediately left the book's pages and covered her ears as well before the deafening, harsh sound. His laughs might have betrayed his position as his victim turned furious at the bush he was hiding, demanding explanations. Perseas emerged from the in flower bush carrying away in his dark hair leaves and white petals. He tried to shook them off as he was getting off the flower bed.
"Sorry. My bad. I thought you were someone else." he stated, not really sounding like an apology. The corners of his mouth were still fleeting upturning but there was fury in the girl's eyes and he tried to soften that intense look.
"I mistook you for someone I know." he explained, finally managing to keep a straight face.

The girl he had in front of him had hardly something similar with Rhiannon but she didn't know that.
"What? Come on! You only need your sight to read your book." he made a bad joke but he realized too late.
"I'm sorry, okay? Here. Let's shake hands as a sign of reconciliation." Perseas extended his right hand. His ring finger was adorned with a titanium ring. Although looking perfectly normal it was a buzz ring, an object muggles were using often to pull a hand shock prank to someone. This troublemaker wasn't done yet. He waited for the girls handshake as he was smirking inwardly.
When it came to life there was a way Rhiannon liked it and anything else felt wrong. it had taken a while to get in the rhythm of boarding school but there was an hour every day she had set aside purely for reading what she read in that hour varied. textbooks and spell books from the library, novels, poems. also she place of where she read did vary but not much, if it was a fine day she would read in the garden, if not it would be the student lounge unless it was too loud then she would go to the library. today it was a fine day and so with her favourite book in hand, "the prophecy of the gems" it was a children's book and she had had it for years and read it more times than she cared to count. she headed to her usual bench when she saw that there was already someone there. two people actually. she felt a little uncomfortable going to a different bench she was just about to pick one off the path behind when she realised who the boy was and the tone of the other person he was with was somewhat familiar. she took a trembling breath before turning around her book still clutched tight in her hand the thick volume it was before turning back to her bench not quite believing what she was about to do.
She saw the girl. she was vaguely familiar from class. a quiet girl who she didn't know the name of. "Perseas. do you really have nothing better to do with your time than to make a pain of yourself" she said. the most disapproving look on her face. it was the same look that her brother used to tease her about saying that look could act as his conscience as as soon as he saw it he knew he had pushed things too far. not that she had had to use it often. she looked at the girl. "he seems to make a habit put of annoying people. I am rhi, its short for Rhiannon" she said note realising that were half way through a reconciliation, not realising they weren't reconciliating.
She furrowed her brow furiously, the boy either was born stupid or a Gryffindor. She guessed the latter, Gryffindor. They tend to make a mess out of anything, they were like animals. They can never stay still and were born with behaviour problems. She turn her nose upright to him, "As if that were the truth! Nobody in this school has strawberry blonde hair like I do!" She almost believed her words, she wouldn't know if it were the truth or not but she was itching on making him look like a fool. A jester, the clown that he was.

She retrieved her book, one of the pages had ripped. Just great,she'll need to do a repairing charm later on. She was contemplating on the idea of bashing his head in with the book's binder. But she wasn't the violent type, that was her brother. He had the violent streak in his blood, not Aislinn. Thanks merlin for that, he did enough damage for those remaining relative.

She wrinkle her nose, "You're belittling me right now, and I don't take the like to your behavior" she rolled her eyes, keeping the sass in her tone. She pushed a few strain of hair away from her face, keeping her temper under wrap. "No!" She decline the handshake, keep your germs to yourself, thank you very much. "You're not sorry, so shut it"
People needed to relax and enjoy themselves a bit and not be too edgy. Perseas liked the girl's attitude, she got the kind of nerve that was igniting his own belligerence. "Really? Cause I'm sure my twin brother has exactly the same hair color as yours." he defused her statement and quirked an eyebrow. The only sharing similarity with his twin brother were the grey eyes. Perseas had dark hair whereas his twin was strawberry blonde. It was a misplaced statement from her part. "Wow! You are quite rude you know. You should try have some fun. These books are making you testy." Perseas lowered his hand as the girl was erupting her anger. Still his characteristic half smile wasn't daunted off his features.

It just turned into a wider smirk when he heard a familiar voice. "It's nice to see you again too, Rhiannon." he jested when she offensively addressed him. Perseas crossed his arms against his chest as Rhiannon allied with his new victim. "Everyone has a hobby." he added to Rhiannon's detraction with a shrug. He couldn't care less of what she was saying about him. "Ah, yes! This is Rhi and loves sticking her nose in books just like you." it was his turn to defame the Hufflepuff although among geeks, this was a compliment.
"Didn't know the gardens were booked by the geek club for a meeting. Are you expecting more people to come?" he asked not losing for a bit his swagger.
rhiannon was happy to see that the girl was reading. it was odd the first semester she had been at the school she had not really met many friends, or at least friends who liked books and reading however this semester she had made three. "Narnia. that is a good book" she said realising what it was. she had read it the previous year she had enjoyed it but it hadn't been one of her favourites. "he is right, tweedle dee has strawberry blonde hair too" she said referring to a muggle classic book that she hoped that the girl had read. "It is great to see you too Perseas, at least not in astronomy class" she said. listening as the girl said how she felt like perseas was belittling her. "I thought your hobby was pouring canola oil on the floor on the stairs" she said "though to be fair you are good at finding your way around the castle, and i don't think i ever actually thanked you properly for finding a way out of the kitchens." she said it may seem like she was coming off a little two faced. something Rhiannon usually wasn't, however perseas had made two impressions on her. first when he had offered to help her and raf out of the kitchens when they had gotten so lost trying ot find the house and secondly from all the teasing on the way back to hufflepuff and also in class.
It took her a moment to realise that then he said that she loved sticking her nose into books it was meant as an insult. "you know that is the most useless insult i have heard" she said to him. "at least you didn't say how am an nerd and always answer the questions in astronomy" she said something that he had no problems at teasing her about apparently. though this too was not really an insult to her either. she had heard the term nerd applied to her so many times it had lost its impact, besides she couldn't help it if she wanted to be a doctor and liked studying maybe that was her hobby. "you are a first year too aren't you? " she asked the girl though it wasn't really a proper question. she was pretty sure she had seen the girl in defence against the dark arts. which would mean she was a ravenclaw.
At first she didn't pay any mind to the new girl, she was too busy tearing apart the lion cub. "I don't care if your brother has neon freaking yellow color hair, you shouldn't have done that at all! No excuses, whatsoever~" he had the nerves, too say she was being rude when he could have permanently made her deft. Does he not know how much of an imbecile he sounded? She could feel the heat rise to her face, if only she had her wand if only she brought it along. What would you have done Aislinn, what? Nothing. She's not one to using magic to harm others but maybe a jinx or two would teach him a lesson.

She fumed, her blood bubble over. She shut her mouth looking from one face to the other. "Aislinn, although I don't think its proper to be making introduction right now! He should be on his knees apologizing for what's he done" she stated matter-of-factly, to send her point across she stabbed her index finger to his chest. "Don't ever do that again, you hear me? She may enjoy your mockery but I will not stand for it" she bitterly spat. Okay calm down now, don't get too worked up.

She sighs, rolled her eyes and went to sit back down. They could do whatever they want, she came here to read, came to relax a little. And goddammit she will do just that. She slipped the book open again, the want to read had vanished. "Oh great, I can't read now" she muttered.
Anyone responding to Perseas' teasing was like prey reacting, waking up its predators insticts and strike back.
"Wow! You're a freaking genius! I might do this to my brother if I could cast a spell and change his hair into neon yellow colour. Thank you." Perseas sounded sarcastic but he actually liked the idea. He could just imagine his brother with neon hair and it was a hilarious sight. With two preys around him reacting he didn't know which one to pursue first. Rhiannon was still his all time favourite. He chuckled when she compared his brother to a fictional character of a muggle book, knowing what she was meaning about himself. Perseas was finding Rhiannon funny sometimes although she wasn't really trying to act this way. "What can I say." he shrugged smugly. "I do have a lot of hobbies." he offered Rhiannon a half smile and acted humble when she was sort of thanking him for helping her finding her way around the castle. "No need to thank me. It was fun." he assured, knowing she wasn't perceiving this in the same way.

Perseas enjoyed how Rhiannon liked giving answers to almost everything. He was looking really entertained.
"I don't like pointing out obvious things. The whole school knows you are a nerd and don't let the astronomy professor do his job." he scoffed when she commented on what she thought to be an insult. Perseas was saying many things but that didn't mean he was saying them with malice. Teasing was his way to socialize but most people were hypersensitive to deal with it like the girl with the strawberry blonde hair who currently looked like a steam boat ready to explode. "That's never going to happen. Asslin." he responded wryly when she demanded to apologize on his knees. Perseas might was going to do that if she was asking him in a polite manner. He wasn't the type of person he was going to follow orders especially those coming from her wild mouth.
"Oh, yeah. Look at me, I'm terror-stricken. I should start running back to mommy." he mumbled with an even bigger dose of mockery and yawned ostentatiously. According to Perseas' opinion, girls like her needed to be taken to the forbidden forest and be left there for a night. After such an experience, she wouldn't be chirping so loud.
He watched her going to sit down back at her bench without answering to Rhiannon's question. Perseas could guess that the girl was a first year as well although he fortunately hadn't shared a class with her yet.
"Why don't you try flying." he snapped when she muttered she no longer was able to read her book. The soft grin on his face this time was denoting he wasn't sarcastic but he was actually inviting both of them to fly. He didn't want to waste his afternoon in the garden's silence, skipping through soulless pages.
Rhiannon looked at Aislinn as she said about his bother having yellow hair, it was a look that was meant to say don't encourage him and give him ideas but it seemed she hadn't got the message across too well as she said it and perseas seemed to take the idea from it. she wondered how long it would be before theseas arrived in class or the great hall with a colour on his head that belonged on a rainbow or maybe a safety cone. "what sort of hobbies do you have? anything that doesn't involve annoying others? if so maybe you should spend more time on that" she said her accent getting rather scottish as she spoke, her usual bluntness increased by aislinns annoyance. she wasn't sure what the boy had done but she could tell that it wasn't something the girl had liked. "there is no better time for introductions than when you first meet someone, and it's great to meet you" she said trying to distract Aislinn from perseas's obvious display of not apologising.
when Aislinn said she couldn't read any more she was a little confused. why couldn't she read. she had the book and it looked well red but not damaged. "if you want to you can borrow this one for a bit if you promise to give it back" she said offering her the prophecy of the gems. she had read it many times before though she hoped that the girl wouldn't she was getting ot one of the best bits, the prophecy part with Oonagh. at Perseas's suggestion to go flying she shook her head. she didn't like flying, she found it hard to stay on a broom, besides it was reading time, flying would not work.
Aislinn had half the mind to get her wand and do the jinxs already. The way he said her name was not properly spoken. "It's Aislinn you dimwit, say it right or I'll kick you were it hurts" she threaten the boy. He was being such a-ah you know one of those cuss words she be happy to verbally assault him with, but again she'd avoid making the issues worst. Seems like he enjoyed being a pest, the girl being his number one victim to his childless antics. "No thank you, I failed my flying lesson so I guess I can't fly with you~" she muttered.

Aislinn turn her attention finally at Rhi, she was being the middle one here. Aislinn couldn't tell if she was helping her or not. Looks like these two share a secret language, the way his mood shift for her, Aislinn thinks the boy may have a crush on Rhi. "No, I just don't feel like reading anymore. Thanks to him.." She rolled her eyes, Aislinn turn back to Rhi sighing. "It's not like I come out here all the time, I'm always up in those towers. It's a bit depressing, mum says I should socialize a lot more. So yeah..."

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