simon vanity

  1. Scott Baker

    Open Another Eagle Rose of Yellow

    - Yellow rose, open after @Simon Vanity - Scott went back to the Ravenclaw table during dinner to deliver his second to the last rose. He didn't know Simon, but he enjoyed that delivering roses was helping him meet new people. "Simon Vanity? I have a rose for Simon?" Scott asked as he walked...
  2. Diana Hollis

    Closed Chasing the Truth

    Diana's holidays hadn't been bad. It had been quite nice to meet her baby sister, at least... until she had started to cry a lot during the night. Diana wasn't a big fan of that, but she had gotten her dad to put a silencing charm on her bedroom door in the evenings and that had helped. She had...
  3. Tres Bear II

    Seeking a player

    Tres had actually paid a little attention in Quidditch, after finding the sport very interesting. She'd recognised a couple of the players too, and one person on her list of rose deliveries was someone she believed was on the Ravenclaw team. Even though she'd not been looking for Simon, she...
  4. Kalif Styx

    Y33 Dueling Match #20

    Professor Styx leads the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage. He reveals the rules as well as the point system. He walks off the stage and orders the duel to begin, as he keeps a watchful eye. All right, make sure that you use the spell list...