open after daph

  1. Beatrice Grey

    Open Do you wanna play hairdresser?

    Beatrice grunted as Maggie pulled on her hair, trying to get it into a tighter braid. "You're going to make me bald," she argued, feeling like her forehead was already big enough. She had just wanted her hair out of her face, and her sister was a decent hairstylist. The Ravenclaw wished there...
  2. Seraphina My

    Open Habits are Hard to Break

    Seraphina wasn't exactly spending a lot of time in her room. Wdhile she wasn't trying to live outside again this year, it didn't mean she was going to expose herself to the Spice Girls from hell. Enjoying the slightly chillier weather, the Gryffindor made her way down to the lake, setting...
  3. Maris Wormwood

    Open Clean it Up

    Open after Daphne posts with Jasper After speaking with Professor Styx, Maris had been obliged when he agreed that getting the Slytherin boy, Jasper, to clean up his own mess would be an appropriate punishment. She'd wasted no time volunteering to oversee the detention as well, promptly...
  4. Blake van Houten

    Old School Week Slowing Down

    Blake felt... almost like a ghost of himself. He had tried so hard to build the reputation he had always been told he should want, to do the things his dad had made him think would make him happy, but none of it helped. He dreamed almost every night about how Tyler's lips had felt on his own...
  5. Nell Night

    Old School Week Quiet Corner

    Nell was actually... keeping it together this year. She didn't know quite how she had managed that, but everything was going... almost suspiciously well. As painful as it had been to do, dropping classes had been the right idea. She might even manage a few E-s this year! Making her way...
  6. Elliot Briar

    Open Seen a Ghost

    Open after Daphne posts with Lucas Elliot always had a soft spot for holidays, but he figured Halloween was up there as one of his favourites. It was always a little easier to relax at parties and things when he was in costume, even if he often spent the lead up to Halloween fretting enough...
  7. Leda Layton

    Open Baby Fleur

    Even though Leda didn’t always know who she was looking for, she would have hoped she at least knew what house they were in. Judging by this persons surname and the person Leda was paired with for patrols, she made an estimated guess that Lars was Fleurs younger brother. “Lars? Where are you?”...
  8. Madeline Kaimarama

    Draconic Distraction

    Pink rose for @Abian Hunter If there was anything worse than a red rose it was a pink one, and the worst pink rose of all was one without a note. And this one she had to deliver to a friend. Well, more of an acquaintance, really, they’d only properly talked once. But he’d met Totara then, and...
  9. Elliot Briar

    Open One Step at a Time

    Elliot couldn’t believe how fast the first semester had gone, so many classes and things to learn sometimes he felt like his brain was going to explode. But now it was already December and exams and the Yule Ball were right around the corner. He’d be happy when he and Lily had decided to go...