october alcott

  1. Vader Hume

    Open Hey Yellow Rose!

    Open After. Yellow rose for @October Alcott It had taken some exploring, but Vader had finally found himself in front of the head people's common room, one of the few places that only the head people could get into. He had asked around and no one had seemed to know where the head girl was, so...
  2. Cyzarine Haden

    Open Head Rose for the Head Girl

    Open After. Yellow rose for @October Alcott The head girl was not someone Cyzarine had expected to find easily, after asking at the prefect's common room, someone had mentioned something about having seen her on the third floor. Cyzarine had raced away barely thanking the other person and...
  3. Katherine Alicastell

    Y33 Dueling Match #22

    With the first round over and done with, Katherine allowed for a brief intermission in order to rejuvenate the competitors, and to tend to those who had been defeated before the beginning of the second round. With everything in order, the Headmistress lead the refreshed duelists onto the...
  4. Kalif Styx

    Y33 Dueling Match #14

    Professor Styx leads the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage. He reveals the rules as well as the point system. He walks off the stage and orders the duel to begin, as he keeps a watchful eye. All right, make sure that you use the spell list...
  5. Kalif Styx

    Y32 Dueling Match #13

    Professor Styx leads the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage. He reveals the rules as well as the point system. He walks off the stage and orders the duel to begin, as he keeps a watchful eye. All right, make sure that you use the spell list...
  6. Kinsey Wilde

    Open Pick Me Apart

    Open after Rowan, please. Being back at Hogwarts was nice but Kinsey missed her brother's desperately - especially little Darwin who was growing like a weed. She wished that she could properly share this with them because her ties with her sister were the strongest they had ever been since...