maria's characters

  1. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Maria's Y40 + Future Plots?

    Hi all! It is that time of year again! New year, New Plots! I was gonna wait til next week to post this, but I think now is the best time for me lol! I'll be placing a few characters here that I would like to do some plots with! If there are any characters you would like to plot with that are...
  2. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    More Unsorted Children!

    Hello! Am I making another one of these? yes! Do I have a whole bunch of threads I need to make and reply to? yes! lololol Anyway, I have a few unsorted characters here in which I would like to RP a bit. A few of them won't be attending Hogwarts right away, but I thought it would be nice to...
  3. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Plotting Time? Yes it is!

    Hello all! Its that time again where I post a PD hehe! Hit me with your best plot! (I'm open to anything honestly!) I'll be posting my students on here (Though I won't be adding all of them, However, if there is a character you do not see in here that you'd like to RP with, just flick me a...
  4. Molly Burke

    Molly Burke's Relationships

    M O L L Y • B U R K E R E L A T I O N S H I P S F A M I L Y Patrick Burke (Father) - On good terms Penelope Burke (Mother) - On tense terms Nolan Burke (Older Brother) - On good terms Conan Burke (Younger Brother) - On good terms Fiona Burke (Youngest Sister) - On good terms B E S T • F R...
  5. Gemma Jacobs

    Gemma Jacobs' Relationships

    G E M M A • J A C O B S R E L A T I O N S H I P S F A M I L Y George Jacobs (Father, Alive) Raquel nee Castro Jacobs (Mother, Alive) Zoe Jacobs (Sister, Alive) Charlotte Jacobs (Sister, Alive) Harrison Jacobs (Paternal Cousin, Alive) Samantha Jacobs (Paternal Cousin, Alive) Issac Jacobs...
  6. William Henderson

    William Henderson's Relationships

    W I L L I A M • H E N D E R S O N R E L A T I O N S H I P S F A M I L Y Shaun Henderson (Father, Alive) - Good terms Sophia Nee Thomas Henderson (Mother, Deceased) Elizabeth Henderson (Older Sister, Alive) - Good terms B E S T • F R I E N D S William doesn't consider anyone as their best...
  7. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Maria's Adults and Unsorted Characters!

    Hi everyone! So, this time around, I'm going to be offering my unsorted and adult characters for now! I'll do one for my Hogwarts characters before the new year starts! I'm excited to do some plots! ADULTS Harrison Jacobs | Magical | 27 Years Old Harrison Jacobs is the eldest...
  8. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Unsorted RPs

    Hello everyone! So I have a few unsorted characters that I would like to start rping more with! So I thought to offer you my unsorted characters Charlie Jacobs | Magical | 11 Years Old Charlie is Samantha Jacob's cousins and one of the youngest cousins on Jacobs' Family Tree. He was born...
  9. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Adore The Plots

    Hiii everyone! It is, in fact, that time of year, where plotting beings for the next semester! If I haven't replied to a thread, please let me know and I'll try my best with the replies! So I have a new character that I will have join for the new year! I haven't given most of my characters the...
  10. Florence Jacobs

    Florence Jacobs

  11. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Its Time to Start Plotting Again!

    Hello! So its that time of year where another year of Hogwarts is upon us and to start plotting for another year! So I have a few characters I want to develop and roleplay with more! I hope that we can roleplay and create plots together! - Samantha Jacobs | Hufflepuff | 3rd Year Samantha is...