
  1. Phoebe Holland

    Closed For Research Purposes Only

    Happy with her new purchases, Phoebe headed over to a grass field just outside the village, near the park. She wanted to try this portable swamp somewhere that wasn't too crowded, just in case she really couldn't get rid of it and had to leave it there and flee. She kept her other prank supplies...
  2. Hezekiah Mowry

    Closed In the Moment

    Hezekiah Mowry had been finding himself in very lonely places recently. He found the North Tower was one of the places he would go when he was lonely, which was quite often. It was in the middle of the day, and Hezekiah had already taught his batch of sixth years. He felt that they were coming...
  3. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Closed Adventurous Astronomers

    Adorah was glad she had met Elliot over the break. It had taken a while for them to figure out a plan, but looking at the stars with someone else who seemed to hold as much interest in the subject was very exciting. Adorah finished brushing her hair and put it into a simple braid. She grabbed...
  4. Isaac Kain

    Closed The American Dance

    Isaac had had enough coffee that morning to keep him up for the rest of the day. Unfortunately for him, coffee had very little effect on the sixth year who had been working hard since the beginning of the year. Since setting his mind on becoming a healer, and feeling as though he was a burden at...
  5. Sophie Wilson

    Closed Creative Exchanges

    The new semester had started, which for Sophie mostly meant a new issue of the paper had to be set up. Last semester had gone well, and Sophie was pleased by the increased activity that came with a few new people joining the club. She hoped that the issue from this semester could be even better...
  6. Lars van Houten

    Closed A Small Piece of Home

    Lars' palms were sweating, which was not ideal when you were about to hand someone a gift. He had considered simply leaving the present somewhere for Elliot to find, but had no good ideas of where it could be left safely. Besides, a small part of him simply wanted to give Elliot this present...
  7. Lars van Houten

    Open First Dance

    Lars hadn't attended either of the Hogwarts dances last year, and now he remembered why. Even while wearing a basic button down shirt and a tie that was only slightly crooked, Lars felt very out of place in the great hall as couples danced on the dance floor. He had no idea how to dance, or what...
  8. Lars van Houten

    Closed Ups and Downs

    Lars was a little dazed from his match. He had lingered on the pitch until most other people had left, and then had started to wander around. Perhaps he should have gone to the castle with his team, but he didn't really feel like part of the team yet. Even though he had played, and hadn't even...
  9. Emma van Houten

    Closed Differences in Communication

    The swing Emma was on flew up high after she kicked off the ground hard, and she laughed as she swung back. The playground here in the park was a lot of fun, and she had enjoyed this part of their shopping trip a lot. Brightstone village would soon be the place she and Iris would be visiting...
  10. Aegerine Night

    Closed Seclusion Above the Swarm

    Aegerine was finding it difficult to obtain time alone in this castle filled with obnoxious teenagers. She appreciated the ability to draw curtains around her bed, but even so when there were too many people in the room it was overwhelming. She didn't like to appear to hide, which felt like...
  11. Lars van Houten

    Closed Repeated Mistakes

    Lars had been nervous about painting outside after his encounter with Blake Irons, but he hoped that things would be okay now. The lawns were rather big, so he couldn't imagine the boy would need to run over his paintings again. He also had asked Elliot to meet him out here. The two of them had...