everyone is welcome

  1. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Open Sights of Trees

    It was that time of year again where Samantha and her school mates of Hogwarts had to return to school. Samantha had enjoyed her Christmas break, spending time with her family who she hadn't seen for a while, as well as her extended family that lived in New Zealand or who came to visit them. She...
  2. Rosemarie Chatwin

    Open A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

    Rose had brought her most prized plant just about everywhere. She was so proud of her growing belladonna. She knew that the plant was highly poisonous when ingested, but it wasn't like she was selling the berries as sweets. Rose also know that the plant was a relatively common ingredient in most...
  3. Delilah Thorne

    Open Practice Make Perfect

    Delilah made her way quickly and quietly through the castle to the abandoned classroom carrying her violin case. She really didn't want to be seen, and then have to explain her instrument or deal with people asking her to play them a song. All she wanted was to practice in peace but ever since...
  4. Delilah Thorne

    Open Wilting Wallflower

    Delilah sat at one of the tables set up in the great hall and would have been perfectly content to just sit there the entire night. It was partly due to being exhausted from handing out roses but she also liked to be an observer more often then not. But she would be lying if she said seeing...