amari kent

  1. Thalia Pourroulis

    Closed Pleasant Surprise

    Thalia was surprised. Shocked, to say the least. She never would have expected to find out about it like this, but she had, and she was sure that unless she had been completely daydreaming when they’d been told, that the rest of her sisters hadn’t had a clue until now either. Tav was here, as a...
  2. Videl Zhefarovich II

    Closed Curiosity and Pride

    Videl Zhefarovich the Second found himself immensely bored. The second year thought that he should take a stroll to the forest to see if he could see anything dangerous. Something to get rid of his agonizing boredom. That was what brought him here. Videl stopped short of a few feet from the...
  3. Harper Fletcher

    Closed Ghostly Rumors

    Harper liked to roam the corridors of Hogwarts in his free time but didn't typically do much poking around. He had heard about this abandoned classroom and had been meaning to take a look at it. The word around school was it was a lounge for ghosts and he found them interesting. Harper pushed...
  4. Corey Edogawa-Mckenna

    Closed Nice Day, Isn't It?

    Corey loved being in the outdoors, he had never been one to sit still for a long period of time and preferred to be active throughout the day. It also didn't help that he was quite used to the buzz of having younger kids around since he grew up with four younger siblings. He was used to playing...