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  1. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    Garland shook his and breathed out a short breath. "Oh, no, no its fine, you just startled me a bit" he laughed to the new girl. "Yes, far too many people, twas to crowded for anyone to speak to anyone. So, I think I will formally introduce myself, as Bia has said, I'm Garland, nice to meet...
  2. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    "Hey thats cool, you really are talented" Garland said to Bia with a cheezy grin. Suddenly, and without warning, someone lept out from behind Garland and landed on Bia, GArland got such a fright he nearly lept out of his skin. "Woah," GArland said clutching his chest. "I so wasnt expecting."...
  3. G

    RL getting crazy

    Lol, I'm not leaving you alone little sis its just this was probably the last night i could Guarrantee i would be online, from tomorrow onwards, or rather today onwards, since its 3:27 am :D i cant guarantee ill be online, especially not this late at night so i our Rps will not be as, how do i...
  4. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    (Really? Ok lets take him a different way.) Garland lent back against the tree, put his hads behind his head and closed his eyes relaxed. "To tell you truth, I actually like not going to class, as long as I go undetected I'm happy to stay here just messing around. My parents cant reach me here...
  5. G

    RL getting crazy

    Hey guys. Well I'm trying, but with My new Holiday job and University preperations its getting pretty difficult to be on HNZ consistantly. My jobs shifts are 12 1/4 hours long and thats 5 days a week so its pretty exhausting, making it difficult for time to myself. And with University Prep...
  6. G


    Uhh, Bia What is this? lol Are you leaving us??? NOOOOOOOOOOO, Dont leave :( or are you just messing around? Dont scare me lke that :(
  7. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    "Bleh," Garland screwed up his face and poked out his tongue in a playful manner. "Gar-Gar is not cool,"he laughed, "So thank-you for calling me Alan," he continued, smiling. "Told me I'm what?" Garland asked Bia, a bit confused. "Oh, that I have a talent for missing class? No, noeones told me...
  8. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    "Yep yep, thats my name alright, quite a weird one I know but, well, you know what parents can be like." Garland laughed. "Alan?" he questioned. "No ones ever called me that before, my mum sometimes calls me Gar-Gar and my dad Gar-man." Garland shuddered at the thought of being called Gar-Gar...
  9. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    "Sorry, I didnt mean to scare you," Garland apologized with a chuckle. "Nice to finally meet you Bia, Short for Bianca?, I'm Garland, yea we met in the dungeons, twas too many people to talk to though." he said to Bia. "Wow, you lucky your so good, I'd love to be able to draw, but sadly...
  10. G

    Visiting Mother Nature

    Garland yawned widely, dawdling around down by the lake. He gave a big stretch, and looked out over the water. He was so glad to be back a hogwarts. His parents had dragged him out because they had found out he had missed a couple of lessons, and this was a strict no-no in the Blase family. They...
  11. G

    Missed classes and will probably continue

    I am quite unhappy to say that both Benji Rouzeer and Garland Blase have missed quite a few classes and will probably continue to do so. Exams are coming up soon and as this is my last year a high school I really must focus on them. This means I don't get much time on the computer due to...
  12. G

    What are you listening to?

    Love you out loud - Rascal Flatts
  13. G

    Bianca's first time in the Dungeons

    Garland was about to formally address and start to talk to Isabella but stopped when Angus spoke. He seemed pretty on-edge so Garland simply said "Hi" to Isabella and left it at that. He then turned to the new girl that had just arrived, giving a small smile to Angus along the way just to...
  14. G

    Bianca's first time in the Dungeons

    Garland was starting to wonder whether it was a good idea that he had shown up in this group. On one hand he was glad that he was alone while lost in the dungeons but on the other he could clearly sence some hostility between the people, especially coming from a particular Slytherin girl...
  15. G

    Bianca's first time in the Dungeons

    (hope you don't mind if I join, it's kinda boring just posting in classes) Garland was absolutely bored out of his mind. He was fed up with studying so much that he just threw all his homework into the air and went running out the Ravenclaw commonroom flailing his hands in the air. He wanted to...
  16. G

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Hey, french fries with ice cream is wonderful, you gotta live a Estrella;D anyway...mussel in what form? Raw - trash (can you even eat these raw?) Fried (In garlic butter) - eat Boiled - eat Are there any other ways? most likely eat now then... wasabi snooters...wait can u eat these or are...
  17. G

    A missing professor?

    I'll make myself fully clear Because both lesson 3 and 4 were posted at the same time do I have only one week to reply to both or 1 week for 3 and 2 weeks for 4 since, if the lessons had been posted one after another like normal I would not have to worry about lesson four until next week?
  18. G

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Fully eat! Thats like the only way to eat those fries! (maybe without the ketchup lol). Now what do ya about... Chilled monkey brains? (from indiana jones!! ;D )
  19. G

    A missing professor?

    Does this mean I only have a week to post in both or a week for the first and 2 for the second?
  20. G

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Definately BIN!!! Oatmeal kinda falls under the catagory of disgusting. How about... Baby octopus?