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  1. E


    </COLOR><COLOR color="black">There was a first time for everything, and Emeric was glad to be able to give someone their first experience with caving. "I wouldn't say a lot, but a couple of times? There's no one cave I explore more than any others, and I don't always need to, since most plants...
  2. E


    [size=50]Emeric extended his hand to the younger wizard in an offer to shake, but as a magical vine coiled its way down his fingertips from out under his sleeve, he thought better of it and instead tucked his hand back inside of one of his many coat pockets. "Yep. That's me! Nice to meet you...
  3. E


    [color=black]The past year had been full of change, and most of it, Emeric liked to think, was for the better. He'd moved to England, back to his ancestral roots, and took up residence in the greenhouse outside the family home. While technically, he had an actual room in the house to live and...
  4. E

    Usergroup Changes

    I love it! :woot:
  5. E

    Eager for freedom

    Emeric's brow creased as the boy spoke to him, making it abundantly clear that the source of his discomfort was a flower. The Lancaster boy had never come across a situation quite like this before. There was a clear difference between leading a frothing wild boar on a leash into a pub, and a pot...
  6. E

    Eager for freedom

    So drawn into tending to the flora on the counter top, the Lancaster almost didn't hear the wizard at his side. Looking uncertainly to his left, and double checking over his right shoulder to make sure no one behind him was the recipient of the unpleasant tone, Emeric became slightly confused...
  7. E

    Eager for freedom

    The holidays were always a welcome break from school life, only less so now that Emeric had left the Durmstrang Institute for the golden temple structure of Castelobruxo. With all of his older siblings graduated and no one left to look out for him, he was too much of a target to remain at such a...
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    Flower Children

    Though enamored by the curling, sentient sapling in front of him, Emeric's attention was caught by a young voice, coming from a girl close by. Initially he assumed she had been speaking to someone else, perhaps a friend or family member she was with, but as his eyes briefly flickered in the...
  9. E

    Where Wild Things Grow

    Now that Fenris had graduated from Durmstrang, Emeric no longer had his stronger, protective older brother guarding him from any wannabe bullies who were looking for an easy target. Which admittedly, he was. The budding herbologist wasn't physically strong, and only averagely skilled when it...
  10. E

    Flower Children

    [size=50]Leaving the confines of the Durmstrang Institute was an occurrence that did not happen often enough, but with the end of year holidays starting back up, Emeric was pleased to find himself able to roam freely in the outside world, away from all the classes, studying and schoolwork...