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  1. P

    Knockin' About the Pitch

    Paige scoffed at the boys response, "First, don't call me love," The guy was a stranger and had no right to talk to her like that. "Whatever, why are you letting bludgers fly around here anyway when you're alone? They could hit someone, like they almost just did!" Paige wasn't sure why she was...
  2. P

    Knockin' About the Pitch

    Paige was still adjusting to life in America but so far she wasn't a fan. A chance to get out of her new home and return to New Zealand even if it was for a brief time was a relief. The former Ravenclaw hadn't settled in much at her new school, she didn't really see much point in making friends...
  3. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  4. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  5. P

    HNZ Confession

    OOC: I regret moving Paige out of HNZ.
  6. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  7. P

    Don't let me be lonely tonight

    For a while Paige considered ditching the Yule ball leaving the castle early to go home. Her decision was made when she found a dress that she could simply not pass on buying and wearing. The prefect stood in front of the mirror amazed at the person starring back at her. It was a rare moment for...
  8. P

    More plots!

    Hey Kaye, you know I love Charlotte so I'm very happy about this topic. First there's Georgina who I'm guilty of ignoring. They've hung out a little before and I think they could be good friends. Georgina is nice mostly but she's also snobby and full of herself, that comes from her upbringing...
  9. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  11. P

    Prefect Stuff

    I'll start something. It'll probably be in the next few days.
  12. P

    Ban The User Above You X.X

    I ban Emzies because she's Scottish :r
  13. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  14. P

    One of those days

    Any hope of Paige and her patrol partner getting evaporated in her eyes as soon as he opened his mouth. He was very dismissive of a first year who seemed to want there help and she couldn't help but wonder why he was even a prefect if he was going to treat people in need like that. He didn't...
  15. P

    Perfect Match

    Bryony and Liam Adams
  16. P

    Last Word Game

    Skating Rink
  17. P

    Graphics Request [C]

    Banner Request Form Character's Name: Octavian Vetrov Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Colin Ford Images on banner...
  18. P

    Prefect Stuff

    Its not often I do a single topic for a single character but here we go. I want to start paying more attention to Paige Hardy and get her a life going. Paige loves reading but she's anything but nerdy. She is energetic and fun loving, friendly and easy going. She is underdeveloped as a...
  19. P

    One of those days

    Paige was still getting used to the whole 'Prefect' thing, she still wasn't really sure what she had done to warrant the title but he had it none the less and she was determined to make good use of it. She received her first patrol assignment, it was a day shift in the North tower. Nothing that...