Search results for query: *

  1. R

    I Knew You Were Trouble

    Hey guys! So, i'm back again, and that means that i'm trying to reconnect all of my characters to their lives! I know I've done the Houdini a few times now, but I should be back pretty moderately from now on, at least until February. But i'm hoping to stay on full time past then as I've stopped...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    Banner Request Form Character's Name: Rhys Graves Banner Type: Standard/Blend/Complex *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Douglass Booth Images on banner: (anything from those, gives a...
  3. R

    Lakeside Picnic? I Think Yes.

    Rhys made his way down the from castle to the lake front, a bag slung over his shoulder, and a skip in his step. It was the day after the incident with the Ravenclaw boy, and Rhys had only just managed to calm himself down from it. Inside, he was still furious at the boy. But he was trying his...
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    I Feel Like Im Dying

    Hey guys and gals, So over the weekend ive managed to become extremely sick, and my doctor is now testing me to see if my pneumonia has returned. I will try and be on as often as i can, but im struggling to stay awake and my headache wont seem to leave me alone long enough to get a decent post...
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    Rhys Graves

    Friends Best Friends Close Friends Partners in crime Average Friends Student Friends Distant Friends Family Friends Protective Over Me Protective Over You Former Enemies Enemies Mortal Enemies Hardcore Enemies Average Enemies Rivals Mutual Dislike One Sided Enemy Romantic Relationships...
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    Rhys Graves

    The Basics Character's Name: Rhys Xavier Graves Character's Birthdate: 17th August, 2024. Hometown: New York, America Blood Status: Muggleborn Wand: Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair Educated At: Hogwarts New Zealand House: Slythern Occupation: Presently a 3rd Year. Appearance...
  7. R

    Turning A New Page

    Rhys slowly walked down to the quidditch pitch, his Emerald Streak in his hand, resting over his shoulder, hus mind lost in deep thought. He wore his Slytherin quidditch robes, and carried a quaffle in his free hand. The sun was setting, but it was still a good hour or two away from dark, and he...
  8. R

    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like Anyone! to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Rhys Graves Banner Type: Standard, Blend or Complex! *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Whatever works! Celebrity you're using: Xavier Samuel Images on banner: Pretty much any of the solo...