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  1. T

    Say Yes?

    She said that she loved him...and then soft sounds of her sleeping. Terence popped the box closed and scoffed, "You've got to be kidding me." He shook his head, before chuckling. That figures. He summoned a blanket and covered her, thinking he'd try again tomorrow.[hr]It was the next day, and...
  2. T

    Say Yes?

    He noticed that she was a little tired, but he was going to ask her anyway. Getting down on one knee, he popped open a box to reveal the ring. It was simple, but it was elegant enough to compliment her. Terence reached with his free hand and placed it on her hand. "Baby I love you, from the...
  3. T

    Say Yes?

    Terence Matthias had a lot to plan for. With his daughter growing, and after fighting for months to be a huge part of her life, Terence managed to do that, and more. Little Verity Matthias was a little over a year old now, and he recently moved the two of them into his home. It was no secret...
  4. T

    Mistakes & Parties

    Upon his offer of removing some of his clothes, Terence could not help but chuckle at her response. She was a shy one. And it was adorable. Could she be one of those that he could really appreciate in life? Perhaps. But this was a gig too, so he needed to attempt to remain professional. "If you...
  5. T

    Mistakes & Parties

    This might not be normal for any show, but for the ones that Terence goes to, he normally always made a few friends in the end. Sometimes some got a bit too friendly, but he was always open to help others, which was a definite contrast compared to how his family normally was. Terence was similar...
  6. T

    Mistakes & Parties

    Entertaining women was something that Terence was basically trained to do. He loved the attention, but sometimes the women went overboard and started clawing his back after his shirt floats off. Terence was a little more than free of the alcohol's influence, since he was a heavy drinker from...
  7. T

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate if their age was closer
  8. T

    Mistakes & Parties

    It was often that Terence Matthias was invited to parties. Tonight was no exception. He left his son, Valery, with Arman Matthias. Arman, despite being a drunk former Death Eater, was a good caretaker for kids somehow. It might have been his long term girlfriend, a Lefevre from what he knew...
  9. T

    Rate the avi

  10. T

    Perfect Match

    Victoria Chase and Perseas Stratis.