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  1. Keye Hayes

    Closed and I want a raise!

    Keye had missed her friend. Felix had been a near permanent fixture in her life until he was not. He had seen her in a lot of low points in her life and had gotten her through them. Their friendship had been weird at first, starting with him as her employee. She’d promoted him to manager on half...
  2. Keye Hayes

    Closed and I want a raise!

    Keye hated paperwork. Or at least, she hated dealing with the pub's paperwork. In the early days of the pub, she had already figured out that she didn't like dealing with all the legalities that needed to be sorted out, balancing the books, or figuring out inventory. It took too much of her time...
  3. Keye Hayes

    Closed Moving Slowly

    It was a busy night at the pub, then again, it was rarely ever not. But that was alright. Keye was used to it after having owned her pub - the Runaway Hideout - for almost 15 years. In addition to owning the pub, she'd been part of the night staff, frequently serving as one of the bartenders or...
  4. Keye Hayes

    Closed How Do You Deal With This?

    Keye smiled at Lanithro, trying to hide to an extent the verge of panic and breakdown that she was feeling right now. Alright, so it was probably a little unhealthy to bottle up feelings for the past how many years but it wasn't like she actually expected them to have a reason to resurface. Much...
  5. Keye Hayes

    Closed How Do You Deal With This?

    If Keye would be the person that was prone to public breakdowns, then surely she would have broken down in front of Felix's office by now, but as it was she was close enough to a breakdown as it was. She was not used to breakdowns not really, not having experienced a full-on...
  6. Keye Hayes

    Closed How Do You Deal With This?

    Keye's hurried steps did not slow nor falter as she made her way quickly to her restaurant - the Lost Robin House. It was already quite late - well, not really but just after the dinner rush would have subsided - and it had been a rather long, eventful day that she would rather have skipped this...
  7. Keye Hayes

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Thanks for the update :wub: !
  8. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye sighed rather tiredly. There was so much to think about when it came to letting Isaiah into her son's life. She didn't trust him, and she didn't know if she ever could again. And here they were, discussing whether she would let him be in Joshua's life, to spend time with the little boy. It...
  9. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye continued to look at the man before her as she had spoken. Every moment that passed between them, she questioned her sanity as to why she was even conversing with him. Why she even bothered. Why they had not just walked away. One look at her son though and she knew why. Joshua was already...
  10. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye remained stoic as she sat across from Isaiah, her eyes wandering towards where she could see Joshua from the cafe window. She had been preparing herself for this for the last few months, ever since she had decided to move back to New Zealand, but no amount of psyching herself up could have...
  11. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye kept her gaze on the man steady, the fire in her rescinding just a little bit at his placating gesture. She had a fiery temper beneath her silent exterior that had not abated in the years. She had mellowed, but perhaps it was because she had to, and she had not interacted with people much...
  12. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye kept her eyes on the man in front of her, cataloging every action he took. The familiarity was painful but there. He had aged, but then again, so had she, time tended to do that to people and the two of them had spent years apart before this. Years of not seeing or hearing from each other...
  13. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye had been listening to every word that her son chattered. While it was true that she hated loud noises and tended to tune them out, she had gotten accustomed to it in her old workplace. That and she would never not listen to Joshua. Could never bring herself to ignore him even if she tried...
  14. Keye Hayes

    Closed Of Histories and Cakes

    Keye Brianne Hayes was quite unsure as to what finalized her decision to come back to New Zealand. It had been something she had pondered on over the last two years, and well, she supposed that having a friend - her only friend really, relatively nearby helped in pushing that decision. It also...
  15. Keye Hayes

    I've Got News

    Keye didn't really know how to feel about the news she was about to share really. She did decide that it was neither that bad of a news nor was it a very good one either - however it did affect both of their futures as far as she was concerned. She had studied in her years in Hogwarts and...
  16. Keye Hayes

    I've Got News

    Keye was nervous and this was indeed something to be worried about - more than anyone being worried, it was her that was worried of course. Nervous was just a word that had never been coordinated with her person. As a matter of fact, it would probably be the last word she would use to describe...
  17. Keye Hayes

    Worry and Lividity

    Keye could feel the anger slowly receeding, though the annoyance was not going away anytime soon. Especially with the last comment he made that made her nearly want to pummel him into the ground if not for his injury. He heard his bone crack! And yet he had the audacity to keep playing?! Merlin...
  18. Keye Hayes

    Worry and Lividity

    Keye knew that she should be reasonable. She knew that and she really should have stopped when he had asked her to. But she really didn't know how to deal with these emotions that were currently overwhelming her in waves. Caring and worrying had always been limited to family, and now that she...
  19. Keye Hayes

    Worry and Lividity

    Keye wanted to slap him. Pretty much just to clear out the freaking smile on his face. What was he smiling at her about? No amount of smiling was lessening her anger. If anything, he was infuriating! If she had anything metallic, a frying pan would have been ideal, she would have hit him across...
  20. Keye Hayes

    Worry and Lividity

    Keye didn't know how to calm the anger raging within her. She was absolutely pissed with everyone involved with that game! The referee, the spectators and the freaking players! All of them! She had been glaring at the seekers, all the seekers, for not finishing the game quick. She had been...