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    Thanks Everyone(:
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    And The Family Grows

    "Alright. Goodnight then." Emmy said, with a final nod before heading to bed.
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    And The Family Grows

    Emmy gladly took the food. She ate it quickly, but slower than usual. She wasn't afraid that someone would take it. Not this time..When she finished she looked at Crystal. "Thanks..for everything. Really, i know you didn't have to take me, and you already have a whole bunch of your own as it...
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    And The Family Grows

    "Okay" Emmy said smiling as she walked past her Aunt. She didn't explore the house, nor the food but instead she walked outside. She wondered what friends she would make, and what living with her aunt would be like. She wondered if the other kids would like her. She wondered so many things, she...
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    And The Family Grows

    "Can i just look around?" Emmy asked her aunt, eager to explore her new world.
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    And The Family Grows

    Yeah, sorry i know! Its just i cant make you do something, and there isn't really a lot going on just yet, im just getting the hang of it as well. Emmy smiled. She was already starting to feel at home. She was trying to abide by all the rules her father had beat into her, but her aunt was...
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    And The Family Grows

    Emmy saw worry sketched into her aunts face, and hoped she hadn't made her mad. "No Ma'am. I uh..Do not want to be a burden. But may i ask, is there any other children here?" Emmy asked.
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    And The Family Grows

    "Uhmm....." Emmy hesitated, biting her lip..again. A habit she somehow recently picked up. "Alright." She said, standing still, waiting for what she was to do next.
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    And The Family Grows

    Emmy walked in her new home. She was stunned at how nice her aunt seemed. She followed her to her new bedroom and was astounded. Everything was her favorite color, purple. Crystal opened the closet, leaving Emmy breathless. "So what do you think? It's not too much is it?" Crystal asked. Emmy bit...
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    And The Family Grows

    Emmy was nervous about leaving home but she couldn't take living another day in the putrid presence of her father. She was sick and tired of his abusive ways, toward her and everyone around them. So finally after 10 years, she could get out. She discovered she had family. Which was new to her...
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    Yes i am(:
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    Hi. (OOC) My character is Emmy. She just moved to NZ with her mother and father. She lived in England before, her whole life, and she is 10. She has no friends, and i am really inexperienced in role playing as well, so if anyone can give me a few tips/help me start a nice plot, it would be...
  13. E

    Im New! So read this please! :)

    I know. Sorry! I should have payed attention, i would have noticed it was out of character. :cry:
  14. E

    Im New! So read this please! :)

    Its actually about my character. I didn't know this was suppose to be about yourself? I'm over the age 13, no worries. :)
  15. E

    Im New! So read this please! :)

    Hey everyone! I am Krysti! I am 14, and i am totally in love with Harry Potter and everything about it! I live in the U.S. and Ive never really role played before, but my friend told me about this site so i decided to give it a try. :)