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Emmy Kay Johnson

OOC First Name
Hi. (OOC) My character is Emmy. She just moved to NZ with her mother and father. She lived in England before, her whole life, and she is 10. She has no friends, and i am really inexperienced in role playing as well, so if anyone can give me a few tips/help me start a nice plot, it would be appreciated. :)
well hello :)
Your brits friend right?

Well anywho I am Harleigh and I am always of assistance
haha awesome :)
Well I will see you aroundz
Ive got 4 first years (age 11)
a 14 year old
an 18 year old (max)
some older people and more :)
Hey Krysti :)

Im Kate, and i always love rping no matter how good anyone is ^_^

I have this character, Alice who is 12 and also a 17 year old and an 18 year old. Im not really sure where or what the characters could do to rp, but perhaps when a Brightstone weekend comes around, ((Starting in the next few days)) we could roleplay them meeting?? If not, i would generally suggest roleplaying in the unsorted section and other roleplayers, who are perhaps also inexperienced could join you :)

Let me know what you think, and pm me if you need any help at all :p

Hey guys I'm going to post here for Krysti, she doesn't have internet all the time at the moment... She gets it at certain places but for now it's safe to say she won't be replying regularly. Just letting ya know don't want you to think she's ignoring you. :)
Hey Kristi! I'm Steph, and this is my youngest character as of right now, Jamie Valentine :) She is from England as well so prehaps when they get sorted and school starts they can become close friends :)
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