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  1. L

    Stupid Nail Polish..

    Knowing that London got all Oustanding, London smiled as she made her way to the common room. This wasn't the first time that she had perfect score, she manage to get herself perfect score each year and she was thrilled knowing that she could catch up with her expectation. A smile appeared on...
  2. L

    Violent is never the answer

    [color=midnightblue][font=Times New Roman]As London continue flipping the pages she could hear the laughter of her sisters from the shop. The girl smiled and shook her head as she continue her reading. It was getting more and more crowAs London continue flipping the pages she could hear the...
  3. L

    Violent is never the answer

    Knowing that the sisters of London's loved sweets, London decided to take them all to Diagon Alley with the help of Nancy the nanny of course. They wont be able to go back home if Nancy didn't come along. The young girl looked at herself in the mirror, taking a white coat as she tidy herself up...
  4. L

    You gotta love these kids

    He sounds scary :P lol jk.. Yeah okay sure, actually London here is suppose to be half Luna lovegood and half Hermione Granger hha... I'll start and I'll PM you the link ^_^
  5. L


    Still wondering why London was transferred to Beauxbaton, the little girl sat up and stood up, walking away from her bed. She felt like her father was experimenting on her but instead of making her drink potions she was transferred into different schools. First was the charms school and then...
  6. L

    Rate the Sig

    8/10 its great I love the concept... But I'm not a big fan of the size and the order of the pics... :(
  7. L

    Rate the Sig

    10/10 :wub: