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  1. A

    Tranquility found

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel didn't know whether he should actually believe what it was that Jack was saying, well, it was pretty unbelievable that someone of thirteen years of age would actually have the guts to actually ran away from home, to actually take the action to severe her...
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    Parallel Worlds

    "It's fine, I can understand Italian." Ansel said, shrugging as well, he didn't know what it was that had made him do it, but he had been learning different languages for as long as he could remember. It was probably something that interests him aside from music. Their family do travel a lot...
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    Parallel Worlds

    Ansel smiled a bit when he heard the girl's statement. Rarely was it that someone had complimented and understand his works, most would think of it as weird and too deep, most wouldn't even understand what it was that he was trying to convey. Nevertheless, he didn't really mind it, after all...
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    Tranquility found

    Ansel had to smirk when he heard Jack's statement. Surely, he did have a point there, he should be able to do what it was that he wanted to do, yet, it runs in the family, all of their lives where to follow the path that was chosen by their parents, honestly, it was only his brother who had...
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    Tranquility found

    Ansel nodded in understanding as Jack started talking about his plans for his future. Honestly, he was a bit jealous for Jack was able to choose his own path, while him, he'll have to settle for the one created by his father. "I don't know for sure, but I'll have no choice either way, my father...
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    Parallel Worlds

    Ansel cannot help but to smile when the girl had actually agreed to read his work. Honestly, this would be the first time for him to let anyone read that. But, this girl seemed to be like him in so many ways, so he figured that it wouldn't hurt to let her look and take a peek into his inner...
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    Parallel Worlds

    Ansel nodded when the girl asked whether he had composed the said song. It was quite a wonder though, for usually, he would just keep quite, especially if it was a girl that he was talking to. Yet, when it comes to his interests, he cannot really help himself. He's quite talkative once...
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    Tranquility found

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was glad that Jack stopped asking about his cousin. If what he had said was right, then probably, they had been on the same situation before. Really, having a veela blood running through his veins was hard, what more is that he had a cousin who was a...
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    Parallel Worlds

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was actually a bit relieved when the girl had replied to his question, for all he thought, she wouldn't even bother to talk to him. Nodding his head to show that he had understood her, Ansel had decided to get back to his own world, that is, before she...
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    Tranquility found

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">When asked about his cousin, Ansel had known instantly that Jack haven't been able to notice that he didn't like to talk about his cousin, either that, or he was purposely ignoring it. Nevertheless, since he had already decided to act nice and civil, he...
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    Parallel Worlds

    Once Ansel was back inside the room, he was quite intrigued by how the girl was putting some more make up in her face. He had always wondered why most of the girls bothered to spend too much time for putting the said thing, it doesn't made sense at all. Raising an eyebrow, Ansel had settled...
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    Tranquility found

    Ansel was not really surprised when he heard Jack asked about his cousin, he does get that a lot of times after all, for though his cousin was actually studying in another school, she seemed to be pretty popular around the school, guess that's what one gets when one's a part veela. "She's my...
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    Parallel Worlds

    Ansel nodded in understanding as the girl said that he doesn't need to pass her homework for her. Actually, that would be good, seeing that he need not to meet the said professor personally, cause in all honesty, he didn't really like the said professor. "If that is what you want." He said...
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    Misguided Help

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was just about to leave when all of a sudden a perfect stranger had come and approached him pretending as if they were very close friends. Ansel, who was quite surprised with the sudden gesture had no real chance to react at all, and before he had...
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    Tranquility found

    Ansel was actually surprised when the older student had turned around and walked back to him, he had actually thought that he'll just ignore what he had said. Nevertheless he decided not to say something about it anyway, he didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble for himself. When the...
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    Tranquility found

    Just looking at the older boy, Ansel had instantly known that he had annoyed him. He can't help it though he had this tendency to shut people off, especially if he didn't really have the desire or the want to talk to that person at all. That is just how he function, and well, it seemed like no...
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    Parallel Worlds

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was taken back by the girl's question not because he didn't have an answer for it, but rather because he didn't expect that she would actually start talking to him. No one does after all, though he had few admirers, no one did talk to him, they think...
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    Dani needs just about everything for now

    I'll start the one for Hikari then, then I'll PM you the link once done. :D
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    Dani needs just about everything for now

    </COLOR><COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel&Danika didn't have a real idea actually, what do you think then? :r Hikari&Danika Yes, and well, Hikari would be annoyed with her as she seemed to be the type of would use her charm to get what she wants. :D<i></i>
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    Dani needs just about everything for now

    I have two characters to offer, and well, they are both from Durmstrang. The first one is here, Ansel Blanchard, part-veela. (Since his cousin was an accepted veela. :D )He usually portrays a cool, cocky and aloof outward appearance. However, in truth, this is only because he does not want...