Search results for query: *

  1. L

    My Dirty little Secret

    "What? Its the truth! Well sort of..." he fail again, another flash passed by and he was zoning again. This girl was pretty slick, and obvious. That must go with the whole photographing profession, something he couldn't have picked up when they first met that day. "Forget about me smiling Miss...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    Thank you Ash! :D
  3. L

    The person above me

    TPAM is passing her classes and used to be engage to Chase Blade?o.o
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    What are you listening to?

    Adam Sandler - I Feel Pretty - Anger Management :3 tee hee
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    My Dirty little Secret

    The flash sort of blinded his eyes a little, Saffron had taken a few shots of him unexpectedly. The camera clicked a few times, than it was over. The blind spots still dance around the man eyes till they went away after a few blinks. Good way of greeting someone, he would have to get used to it...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like <anyone> to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Luis Alvarez Banner Type: Anything is encourage, two image block banners is like *Banner Size: Up to you Celebrity you're using: Mark Salling Images on banner:
  7. L

    My Dirty little Secret

    The bass played in the background, while the soprano singers warm up right in front of him. The stage was theatrical, very antique but the outcome came out pure. Who ever stepped across the wooden floor, would've felt the same feeling of anxiety mushed with pride; all could be better if you did...
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    Have you ever met someone famous?

    Wow so jealous :D loves simple plan, not sure about the first person :P Donna. I'm really bad with names and face claims. That's awesome Anna!! I was suppose to go see Blink 182 but I never did :x Would also like to meet Ed Westwick :wub:
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    Epic fail moments

    My dad's bad accent and his use of words. I thought I was bad at grammar, he takes the cake! For beach= its the B word in English xD you know the naughty one A knot=is a knottle My daughter= me doughter >_< There's a lot more, but man after how many years in America you thought he would...
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    Birthday disaster

    Luis made himself look like a creep when she said she didn't know him that well enough to buy a cake. It did sounded sort of weird, however for his argument of this weird story he just obligated himself to do something nice after such a close mishaps. "well you can get to know me? My names Luis...
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    Birthday disaster

    Tis was the weirdest way for making up not hitting her. And since he's not much of an ass like his old friends back in Puerto Rico, he decided to say yeah why not. It would've came out easy if she hadn't darted away. Luis went after the girl inside a fancy bakery shop. He could smell the sweet...
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    Birthday disaster

    Luis felt like an ass, something he wasn't use to feeling since his mother taught him well how to respect a woman. This was just an accident a mishap on his part for not paying attention. The way she responded with the blood almost on his car, made him responde back regardless if she were...
  13. L

    Birthday disaster

    It was a hot summer day about the time when Luis felt like exploring his cousin's area of residents at the time. A kid, no a college student no older than nineteen had his hand on the wheel and the other one jamming to west side story. "Maria Maria...she reminds me of a west sidestory. Growing...