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  1. J

    Terrible Fortune

    How a life could change in such a short space of time! Johannes had been so static, his life was so routine and dull. And in one moment, one stolen glance (or wallet, in this case), his life had been turned upside down. And while he had been apprehensive at first, it was proving to be one of the...
  2. J

    Terrible Fortune

    His heart warmed at the sight of her beautiful smile. Had he ever even considered allowing her to fend for herself, he would've despised himself for the very thought right there and then. But Johannes was honourable. He had not been in the past, but he'd grown up. He'd seen the way people...
  3. J

    Terrible Fortune

    At least Johannes had experience in comforting other people. Well, not like this. Mostly he just said the right words to make people feel better and come to terms with their problems. But this closeness, this emotional bonding, this was a completely alien concept to him. Not an unlikable one, of...
  4. J

    Terrible Fortune

    Johannes was stunned as she lashed out at him, but then again, he kind of expected it. She was as fiery as her hair would suggest, and fiercely independent, stubborn, and frankly the most amazing woman he'd ever met in his entire life. And now she was to have a baby. His baby, no, their baby...
  5. J

    Terrible Fortune

    If Johannes was behaving and thinking logically, he wouldn't miss Firr as much as he clearly did. Oh, he didn't act as though anything had changed in his life - after all, Johannes had learnt how to act the way he did after lots of practice, and it wasn't a habit he could easily break. He still...
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    Auf Wiedersehen.
  7. J

    Stories...of sorts.

    Title: ??? Characters: Johannes Engel, mentions of other characters Rating: PG, for violence and adult themes. Status: In progress. ((AN: First entry is 'translated' from German. Written in italics as an indication.)) "Happy birthday, Jo-Jo!" "Thank you, Gretchen. The present is very nice."...
  8. J

    HNZ Birthday Raffle

    Sign me up. Johannes Engel would look amazing in pink. =))
  9. J

    Land, Ho!

    She was completely the wrong person for him, but maybe that was what made being with her so much better. He couldn't understand why he wanted to be with her so much. Maybe there was just no point in arguing. Maybe the best option was to simply give in. Johannes didn't like to be the one to give...
  10. J

    Memory Lane

    Okay, not gonna lie, HNZ and I have had a lot of rocky times, and many moments where we've felt like getting a divorce. But hey, we always work things out. And I know I'm far from being the most popular person here (in fact, I might go so far to say that I'm not well liked at all, and I know...
  11. J

    Land, Ho!

    "That's not really what I meant..." Johannes started, but sighed in defeat. He knew a lost cause when he saw one. Really, what was he even doing, trying to meddle? He barely even knew her, didn't know a thing about her past. Perhaps this was her lot in life. But to him, she seemed...
  12. J

    Land, Ho!

    Johannes felt that whatever understanding he had of her a moment ago, it was dwindling quickly. It was almost as though once more, she was completely alien to her again. It was just that he didn't understand the way she lived. He'd been brought up - not happily, but relatively comfortably - in a...
  13. J

    Land, Ho!

    She didn't seem happy. Johannes flinched instinctively, either she didn't like being compared to him, or he was wrong. But Johannes never believed himself to be wrong, so clearly, in his eyes, she was resisting comparison because she liked to be on her own. Why, then, was she dragging him to...
  14. J

    Land, Ho!

    He knew he was being watched, but Johannes had never been particuarly bashful. Never exactly outgoing, but not shy either. Besides, she'd already seen all of him, and he'd seen all of her. It was just a body, nothing particuarly special. At least there were no scars. All his scars were merely...
  15. J

    Land, Ho!

    Johannes groaned, rolling over and wanting nothing more than to go back to bed. Or at least have a nice drink of water, a decent breakfast, and to head back to work solving other people's problems. Instead, here he was on a boat with a woman that he was sure was the definition of insane, and he...
  16. J

    Land, Ho!

    Johannes stirred with the worst headache he'd ever had in his life. Teamed with the rocking of the room. Oh God, the room was rocking? Oh, he was on a boat. Now he remembered. He'd spent the night with the most crazy yet absolutely fascinating woman he'd ever met, and now she was nowhere to be...
  17. J

    Land, Ho!

    The more alcohol he consumed, the more time and everything around him blurred. Right now, Johannes pretty much was hardly certain of what was going on, but the one thing he did know was that he actually didn't even care. Still, he managed to take in what she was saying, which was quite a feat...
  18. J

    Land, Ho!

    Johannes was in no frame of mind to argue. He wouldn't be able to form a coherent argument at this point, anyway. Firr left him lost for words, which was something he absolutely hated. He always had strong convictions, dammit! He couldn't let some...hobo floozy boss him about! And yet, here he...
  19. J

    Land, Ho!

    Wait, what? Johannes was now more confused than ever. She completely objected to his smug manner of speech, but within seconds the woman - Firr - was...hugging him? Johannes thought he was beginning to lose it. Maybe he was the one who needed to be checked in to an asylum. He felt like he was...
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    Beth!♥ [C]

    'tis lovely, darling. ♥ Excellent work, as always! ^^