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  1. D

    Flirting with Danger

    She grinned glad that he believed her or seemed to at any rate. "I may be cute but I have a brain" she winked at him, "sure thing catch you later Josh." Daytona watched him walk away knowing that he would head directly to the pitch, her wand was out in a heartbeat and she had locked the door...
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    Flirting with Danger

    She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, wanting to admit that yes he was devastatingly goodlooking and yes he was a brilliant catch but she couldn't. She was inches from losing him, could feel him slipping away from her and knew it would take another life time to regain the easy...
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    Flirting with Danger

    Daytona was like any typical teenage girl, she had her moments of clarity and moments of selfishness whereby she was the only one that mattered; she had moments where she actually did 'nice' things for others though made sure not too many people ever got wind that it had been her. Now as she saw...
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    Flirting with Danger

    She felt his hand on her arm and sighed, the heat of his hand on her arm through the flimsy material of her top didn't help her at all. It halted her flight from the room but only meant that now her heart was hammering much too loudly in her chest for her to be rational. This was ludicrous...
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    Flirting with Danger

    Daytona had wanted to simply kick Simon in the shins but managed to refrain from doing so, she turned her back as he walked out and knew she would strangle Helga for this. Just because something this crazy would have worked for her, didn't always mean it would go to plan for Daytona. Life had an...
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    Flirting with Danger

    She eyed him wearily as he spoke, Simon Fields was a notorious flirt and though she had not been on the other side of it before she quietly applauded him in her thoughts. Oh he was very good and though for her it had been her first time quite literally flirting with danger, he had done it...
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    I think I've found this 'real world' you speak of

    Daytona grinned as she read the latest letter from Salazar but life being what it was did not allow her to write back immediately and it was the middle of the following week before she finally found time. Homework assignments were just piling up.
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    Flirting with Danger

    Daytona's mouth hung open for all of a few seconds as he told her she was merely shy. All chances of speaking up for herself flew out the window when he embraced her and then spoke about 'their relationship'. About to pull away and set him straight she was glued to him once again when his lips...
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    Flirting with Danger

    Daytona was not usually so foolish as to set herself up like this but then again she had never quite felt like this about anyone before, therefore doing something foolish to find out whether or not Josh Baxter was interested in her didn't seem such a huge sacrifice. Yet as they stood alone in...
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    I think I've found this 'real world' you speak of

    Daytona left the quidditch pitch with her arm bent pretty bad out of shape, the professor over seeing the try-outs had called an immediate halt to the session in order to take her up to the hospital wing and the whole time up there all she could think about was what a complete and utter fool she...
  11. D

    Friend or something?

    Tis only me again sorry was posting as one of my other charries ;) my age personally? 26yrs :doh: 1. Trinity is definitely mischievous and she would seriously be up to playing pranks providing no-one got seriously hurt ;) 2. She would definitely end up with a crush on him. 3. And in the...
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    Flirting with Danger

    [so sorry with delay was MIA from site for a bit] Daytona nearly gasped when his attentions to her became more than she had expected. Helga seriously did know who the flirts were but as his fingers stroked her hair she felt her legs go weak. She just wasn't used to this type of thing. Another...
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    I think I've found this 'real world' you speak of

    Daytona was entrenched up to her eyeballs in school assignments, quidditch and trying to get Josh Baxter to notice she was a girl and not just a friend. She was having a lot more luck on the first two than what she was with Josh though. Helga and Gregor were highly amused that the girl who had...
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    Flirting with Danger

    She very nearly relented and ran for cover when Simon began to stroke her cheek. She was not adverse to the touch at all but seriously did wish it was someone else. No one had ever touched her like that and it was doing seriously funny things to her insides, even if it was Simon. Daytona swore...
  15. D

    Spring time at Hogwarts.

    It seemed that time spent with Josh was time that went by much too quickly for her liking. They talked amicably about everything and anything and she found herself liking him even more, though she would be loathe to admit it to him. Anyhow she was much too young to be thinking about boyfriend...
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    Flirting with Danger

    She knew Simon was one of the more famous flirts about the school and inhaled deeply incase he didn't roll true to form this time around but thankfully he smiled his brightest and came towards her. Inwardly she congratulated Helga for her choice and glanced hastily over to see if Josh was...
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    The new Guy in town

    sorry for delay with this xD here's the linkage ;)
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    Flirting with Danger

    Helga and Daytona walked along the corridor of the first floor, strolling down the stairs and bypassing a gang of first years congregating in the entrance hall. "I'm telling you Day, flirt with any other boy and make sure Josh sees you" Helga was telling her, shoving her hands into the pockets...
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    Spring time at Hogwarts.

    The more she spoke with him, the less her nerves seemed to attack her and with the new introduction it was as if her clumsiness around him disappeared as well. Seriously she could not wait to tell Gregor or Helga about how well she conducted herself. She still could not help the slight shot of...
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    Daytona wasn't sure whether the boy would not simply whip out his wand and hex her to kingdom come but she stood her ground anyways. At least until he moved closer and pushed her hands aside, opening the door and it would seem for her. A slight frown creased her brow as he spoke but with more...