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  1. T


    Troy. Is. Back. And he is more-evil than ever. But for Troy to be evil, he needs some rp's to be evil with. :) What Troy Needs: Flings. These may seem innocent, and Troy may seem innocent to begin with, and if he likes the girl, then he will stay the night. But Troy is two-faced, and the...
  2. T

    Boys night out

    No Worries. :) Troy watched as a figure in the distance approached them. As he spoke, he guessed it was who the pair of them had been waiting for all this time. This guy didn't seem so bad, Ryan had been one of the moodier Death-Eaters, but Link was alright, and it seemed like Troy would be...
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    Boys night out

    "Cheers." He told Link as he handed him a roll-up. Troy whispered 'incendio' behind his teeth to light the end of it before popping the other end inbetween his lips. The first puff made Troy choke a little, but once he had gotten over the awfully strong taste it left in his mouth, he began to...
  4. T

    Boys night out

    Troy had received the message from Link about meeting him outside the temple tonight. So he had decided to go along, he knew he hadn't replied, he had just simply forgotten too, but he thought it was best to tag alone anyway. He hadn't a clue what to expect, but he was pretty sure that'd be...
  5. T

    Oh look a newbie

    Troy had, had enough of this guys sarcastic comments. "Of course I can apperate..." He trailed off, deadly serious in his tone of voice. "In a bit." He told Ryan. Troy waited for Ryan to disappear before apperating himself, he didn't want to be the first there. He wasn't one who was going to be...
  6. T

    Oh look a newbie

    Troy didn't appreciate the sarcastic comment, but nevertheless he had to respect this guy so he ignored it and followed him out of the door. He was only a few strides behind Ryan, so it didn't take him too long to catch up. Troy still didn't know what to expect of this delivery, it seemed too...
  7. T

    Oh look a newbie

    A package? Was that all they thought he was capable of doing? There must have been more to this job than Ryan was letting on. But Troy said nothing, he would act clueless, but be prepared for anything that might crop up infront of him. It was his very first job, he didn't want to act like the...
  8. T

    One Story

    Once Upon Rumpleskilxtskin's Head, there sat twelve rich pineapples that had no brains or fish. So when Rumpleskilxtskin tried eating pumpkins, crazy
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    One Story

    Once Upon Rumpleskilxtskin's Head, there sat twelve rich pineapples that had no brains or fish.
  10. T

    Oh look a newbie

    Troy guessed that this guy had already been informed about him joining the Death Eaters as he spoke. He looked at him seriously as he replied. "Correct." Troy said cautiously. He had only just met this guy, he didn't want to say anything out of place, especially in this business. He could end up...
  11. T

    One Story

    Once Upon Rumpleskilxtskin's
  12. T

    Oh look a newbie

    Being out past midnight was becoming a regular occurrence for Troy Adams these days. It wasn't quite 11 yet, but Troy didn't plan on going home that early tonight. Infact, he didn't plan on going home at all. He had stuff to do, people to see. Well, it was more of meeting people than just seeing...
  13. T

    Rate the Sig

    9/10. It's cool just don't like the head being cut off. :P
  14. T

    Rock with Me

    "WOAH Wait, Wait...Just Wait A Minute." Troy said, holding his hands up as Maddiie spoke. "What do you want from me? Lets get this clear Maddiie..." Troy demanded to hear the truth as he was pushed back into the wall by Maddiie once more. "So what is this? A night of fun?...or are you really...
  15. T

    Rock with Me

    Troy waited as Maddiie had a shower, then laughed as she finished. He didn't kiss her, or say a word as the elevator took them down to the front door. He was waiting. Troy liked to take control, he didn't want to scare or hurt Maddiie, he might want to with some other people, but he actually...
  16. T

    Rock with Me

    Troy listened to Maddiie speak. It seemed that she wanted to see him after work. As much as this pleased Troy, he wanted his own way, he wanted her to stay right now, and when Troy wanted his own way, he got it. "Really? I have to wait all that time?...I don't think so..." Troy said, kissing...
  17. T

    Rock with Me

    Troy laughed as Maddiie told him that she was late for work but it was worth it. "Well I'm glad that you think that..because you aren't going anywhere." Troy replied to her as she began to kiss him once again. Troy wiped the sweat from his face, and allowed Maddiie to have breather as he gained...
  18. T

    Rock with Me

    The Next Morning. Troy found himself in Maddiie's bed, unaware of what had happened the night before, but the pile of clothes on the ground soon notified Troy. Troy smiled to himself before looking at Maddie, who was led across his chest. Troy lifted her body from him, lying her down on the...
  19. T

    Maddiie Stewart

    Troy Adams Age: 20 flirting puzzles apart questions of science, science and progress do not speak as loud addictive love to let it go if you never try you'll never know just what you're worth purely physical lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix character says...
  20. T

    Rock with Me

    Troy was very much enjoying being smothered in Maddiie's attention. He allowed her to remove his shirt as the elevator took them up to Maddiie's place. Before they had even reached the door, Troy had slipped off Maddiie's shirt and had slung it around the back of his neck. Troy caught Maddiie's...