Search results for query: *

  1. K

    Help with your son.

    Kris looked up at the older boy and rolled his eyes at the question. He was getting annoyed with always being asked his age. "I'm Sweven but evewy wun says I wook fwive." He looked up at the man. "How owd are wou den?"
  2. K

    So you're my dad huh?

    Kristoph paused. He didn't think his parents would really stop being together but, with all the fights, it was obvious. "Umm, But, what abowt daddy?" He loved his dad, more than anything, even if he didn't seem to care for him. He sat on the ground, he had to think about this. If he stayed...
  3. K

    So you're my dad huh?

    Kris waved goodbye to the other three kids and began walking up the hill. In quite a\ good time for a short boy, he reached the house and was surprised that the kitchen light on. His mum was never up in the middle of the night, it must mean she had a visitor. It also meant he would be in huge...
  4. K

    Help with your son.

    Kris looked at the man again. "Why she cawwed Odie? Dat's da name of a dog in garfwield." He liked garfield, they had alot in commen. Especially their love for Lasagne. "If you wive here, why weren't you here befwore? When me and Ed awived?" He had been here for a while and Woody had only just...
  5. K

    Banner for the midget child :D [C]

    It's awesome! Thank you :D
  6. K

    The younguns' group begins

    Kris looked up as the shed door opened and grinned as Daisy walked in. Daisy was new to New Zealand and came up with the idea of making friends with the younger children around here. She was the oldest at age nine, he himself was seven as was Tracey. Kris frowned as another boy followed Daisy...
  7. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris looked at the chocolate longingly but shook his head. "Mummy says I can't have chocowate. She says I gets to hypermaractive or somefing wike dat." He smiled, he wasn't allowed sugar due to the effect it had on him. He was very sensitive to sugar and, almost literally, bounced off of the...
  8. K

    Help with your son.

    Kris looked at the tall man crouching and thought, he wasn't really sure why he was here. HE was told he ould be an uncle, meaning the lady with the kicky belly had his brothers' baby in her but he didn't get why they had to spend the night. HE had been sent straight away to bed anyway. "My...
  9. K

    Banner for the midget child :D [C]

    I would like [u[Izaak to fill my request. Banner Order Form Character's Name: Kristoph Newton Banner Type: Up to you :D *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Jimmy Bennett (Star trek-Young Kirk) Images on banner:These this OR this (I might be...
  10. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris shrugged and giggled, dropping his pouty face. "I gots bowed at home so went fow a walk. Why are you here?" He pointed his finger in the boys face, almost poking his nose again.
  11. K

    Help with your son.

    Kris looked to the man. "'oo's Odie?" He looked around, just then realising he wasn't at home with his daddy. The little boy grinned his gappy grin and held the banister before taking his feet of the stairs. The small boy went flying down the stairs and landed on the floor next to the mans'...
  12. K

    Hola! That's Italian, right?

    I'll reply straight away She's not really like that, she'd be annoyed if he had lead her on but the guy has to look interested at least for her to try and, unless there was something special about him like he's rich, she would just move on to the next guy. Sorry.
  13. K

    Help with your son.

    About an hour later Kris was in his Winnie the pooh jammies. He loved Tigger and was bouncing around the room like him. "The wondeful fing abut Tiggers' is Tiggers' are wondeful fings. They tops are made of wubber, they bttoms are made of swings."He was cut off as Eddie picked him up and placed...
  14. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris screamed when he was tickled and yelled to the boy. "You can have your noss back if you stop wiv tha ticklin'." When it stopped he mimed putting the nose back onto the boys' face. "You're a big fatty meany pants." He brlew a rasberry at the boy and sat with his arms crossed, wearing a pouty...
  15. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris gasped when he was poked and fell off the bench. He landed on his bum and sat there for a second before turning and climbing back onto the bench with a little bit of difficulty. In the end he managed to get back up to the same level as the other boy, he was standing on the bench. "Dat was...
  16. K


    From here I can see right up your nose! PB- Jimmy Bennett (Young)
  17. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris grinned up at the boy, a gap where his top left tooth at the front had fallen out. Kris was proud of this gap, he could almost sick his entire tongue through it. "I'm Kwis." R's were another of those few un-pronounceable words. "Who's you?" Kris began to swing his feet, they swung half way...
  18. K

    Hola! That's Italian, right?

    He sounds pretty cool. There would definately be flirting from her, she flirts with most guys anyway. They sound like they could be pretty great friends as long as he can put up with her snobbishness towards un-fashionable people and her being a little slow sometimes :D
  19. K

    A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

    Kris was wondering around Obsidian. Of course he wasn't allowed on his own but his parents never noticed before and they certainly wouldn't now Podge was pregnant. A pregnant pig took alot of work he had learnt and it meant less attension on himself, not that there was much anyway. As the seven...
  20. K

    Help with your son.

    Kris didn't like the popping trick his big brother did but he put up with it. It meant getting away from the yelling and meeting new people. They arrived in a room where two ladies were. One had a belly like his mum's friend, the one that kicked him from the inside. "Fank you Ward." He had...