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  1. B

    Brave The Elements

    Blaise nodded to Jesiah as he explained what it was that he had found, and stood back as he began to solve it. He didn't know if he'd be able to do something like this, so he was glad that Jesiah was here and he knew what he was doing. When the door opened, he grinned. This was obviously a...
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    Brave The Elements

    Blaise nodded to Jesiah when he told him what the symbol meant and to keep an eye out. He knew there must be some important things here if there was also traps to guard them with, so he continued his walkthrough of the facility with a keen eye. He didn't have to search for long, though, before...
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    Brave The Elements

    Blaise nodded as Jesiah told him his best guess at a timeframe. It made sense to him, and he wondered why they hadn't destroyed the place if they had been planning on vacating for so long, but he wasn't complaining since this might yield a solid lead for them. With a smile on his face, he...
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    Brave The Elements

    Even though Blaise had done missions like this before it was still a rush as they walked through towards the entrance. He would hardly call himself a dumb kid but he still enjoyed these kinds of things, he knew when to act his age though and he maintained that composure as Jesiah cast a charm to...
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    Brave The Elements

    With a pop, Blaise Masters appeared behind Jesiah at the farmhouse that the other Aurors, Sara and Samuel, had recently cased and determined that there was a certain amount of dark magic inside. This could be a fairly large break for the Aurors in their battle against the Scitorari, but they all...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like Pheebz to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Blaise Masters Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Michael Sheen. Images on banner: Anything from here. *Background Image: Up to you. *House Crest/Dark Mark: No thanks. Text on banner...
  7. B

    Wandering the streets

    Blaise raised his eyes at her, he knew that she was all there, but she seemed a wee bit strange to him. One minute she was all friendlyish, or at least somewhat friendlyish. He sighed, and followed her carefully, not bothering to slow down and talk to all of the randomly people. He could see...
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    HNZ & Birthday Avatars

    They're brilliant, Brian. I :wub: the Professor one. :lol: You should make an Auror one now. :r
  9. B

    Wandering the streets

    Blaise chuckled softly as she finally decided that he was an Auror, "No, I'm not an Auror, I just work in an Auror office." Blaise said, rolling his eyes at her. Blaise had only been telling this person for the last hour that he was an Auror, and if she had chosen not to believe him when the...
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    Seeya, Tony. I never did get to know you that well, and that sucks. But I'd like to wish you a good life. :) - Zach.
  11. B

    The Last Airbender!

    Is this meant to go through all three books, or just book 1?
  12. B

    Do I know you?

    Blaise noticed him still being cautious around him, which was understandable, he didn't know much about Blaise. Blaise wasn't being particularly cautious, he knew he should be, but he wasn't. Blaise wasn't much for showing caution around people that he could tell were on his side, he was still...
  13. B

    Evil's Twilight (Closed)

    Blaise's eyes shot open, as he stared at the scene infront of him, and watched the three of them fire patronus's, and James finally managed to stand up. They were safe, and Blaise would make sure they stayed safe. Blaise would take care of this freak of nature, he shouldn't have existed, and...
  14. B

    Evil's Twilight (Closed)

    Blaise watched the others fire spells at the Presence, and he saw James's Patronus have an effect on him. He knew that he had to have a weakness, and he know knew what it was. It was a relief for him to learn that he had a chance. Then Blaise watched as he attacked James and Kiera, "Leave them...
  15. B

    Evil's Twilight (Closed)

    Blaise stood there, watching them all trying to fight him. Nothing seemed to have a long term effect on the presence. Whipping his wand around to face the creature, Blaise watched Evan shoot a flash of green light from his wand, and knew that he had used a Killing Curse. Blaise knew he had had a...
  16. B

    Evil's Twilight (Closed)

    Blaise turned to the newcomer Auror, finally somebody he recognised. Blaise knew that he had been doing his rounds the same as Blaise, and had probably just spotted him staring at Luxen. Blaise had no idea what the Presence was doing here, but if it came to a fight, he would be ready and...
  17. B

    Do I know you?

    Blaise knew that this person was an Auror, and he could see he was a little bit embarrassed that he couldn't remember Blaise's name, but he didn't mind, and it didn't worry him at all, it happened all the time, literally. Blaise didn't hang around many people from work, and he could usually only...
  18. B

    Wandering the streets

    Blaise watched her laugh, and couldn't tell whether it was a good laugh or a bad one. He would never be able to tell what was going through this girls head, she was more confusing then anybody he had met prior to now. Blaise wondered what she was even doing her, she had said that she had said...
  19. B

    Going to Cali be back later

    Have fun, Eden! I agree with Nick, I want pictures and stories! ;) See you then. :hugs: :wub:
  20. B

    Wandering the streets

    Blaise could see that the girl was surprised by his course of action now, she definitely hadn't expected him to follow her like he had, and he was happy with that, he liked to be unpredictable. Blaise turned to her, "Of course you did, maybe you came because you knew I needed somebody cool to...