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  1. A

    You're a dream

    The youthful groundskeeper had been tending to one of his broken guitar strings when his eyes had rested upon a fair-haired girl, laying on the grass. He recognised her, as he did with most students, and he knew this one to be the Head Girl. Antoine Roux had worked at the school since finishing...
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    In Memoriam

    Antoine looked up, his eyes focussing upon his aunt. He tried to wipe the expression from his face. "I don't know what you.." He began to protest, though he could see the aging woman raising her eyebrow through the gloom. It was fast nearing midnight. Aunt Boo knew a lot of things, and she could...
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    Antoine Roux

    Character's Name: Antoine Pierre Roux Character's Birthdate: September 17th, 2006 Blood Status: Half Blood Educated At: Beauxbatons Occupation: Groundskeeper at Beauxbatons/Budding Musician Appearance: Blue eyes, straw-coloured hair, 5'11, tends to wear jeans and jumpers, glistening white smile...
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    Early one morning, with a thunderstorm looming.

    "Oh.. er.." Antoine had attempted to study once or twice but things had always distracted him.. Like writing more poetry about Sydney or another song he hoped to someday serenade her with. He wasn't planning on admitting his little obsession quite yet. Fortunately, the wind answered for him. He...
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    Missing Home

    "Hope you are right." Antoine said, a small smile etched across his face. "And I think it is going to happen soon.." Though she may have had no idea what Antoine meant, he did. He suddenly knew what to do and his heart began to thump eagerly. "Excuse me, please." He said, nodding his head to...
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    Missing Home

    Antoine felt as though a bucket of icy water had been dropped over his head. Was it that obvious? Did she know about Antoine's feelings for Sydney? Did she know who Sydney was? Suddenly, Antoine found himself on red alert, panicking. "I.." Antoine attempted to protest. Surely she didn't know...
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    Early one morning, with a thunderstorm looming.

    Antoine couldn't repeat himself. The moment had passed, disturbed by the thunder. And he wasn't exactly known for his bravery. "Oh," he said, thinking up something on the spot, "I was just saying that I.. That I need to buy a suit." It wasn't the best lie but it was all Antoine could think of in...
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    Missing Home

    Ah. Love. Antoine's worst subject was finally the topic of the conversation. So she had a boyfriend back home? "It must be hard," Antoine said, thinking aloud, "To have leave behind lover for some contest in other country." His eyes appeared dazed for a moment before snapping back to life and...
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    Early one morning, with a thunderstorm looming.

    "No. No, I didn't. I think I'd like to live a little longer." he replied, eyes twinkling. Antoine was trying to convince himself that there was nothing to be scared of when talking to Sydney and that she was just like him... Well, with the exception of her being female, highly attractive and a...
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    Missing Home

    Antoine smiled, glad they had established a few things. Such as the girl's name being Zazuka, she spoke English, she played the flute and she was homesick. "Glad to make acquaintance." He performed a small half bow before straightening up. "You are Hogwarts student, non?" he asked rhetorically...
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    Missing Home

    If there was one thing that Antoine knew about girls, it was that they didn't always share their feelings even if they needed to. "Look.. if there is.." It took him a moment to think of the English for the word, "Anything I can do.. I will help." He smiled sympathetically. Although, if it was...
  12. A

    Early one morning, with a thunderstorm looming.

    The deep rumble of thunder echoed around the castle, sound bouncing into the corners of small rooms and reflected around corridors. Antoine had been heading to the hall for breakfast, his trusty guitar not with him today. But he was stopped as he realized how dark it was and he turned to look...
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    Missing Home

    Antoine had paid little attention to the goings on of the TriWizard Tournament, yet now as he walked, guitar in his arms as he was making his way towards one tree in the grounds he would always sit under to play music, he froze; Someone was singing. Antoine listened carefully and followed the...
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    I have a positive: I got a new blind for my window so now I can actually do something others on HNZ can only dream of doing- GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT! xD Also, that click the squares thing is indeed awesome.