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  1. S

    for once she is behind closed doors

    "I actually don't mind the thunder" Sin sat back in silence to listen to the roaring of thunder rolls. "For some reason I feel a sense of peace when I do" just a human sense to tell her that she was still living and breathing. "so your making well of your classes? That's good to hear, I on the...
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    for once she is behind closed doors

    "Oh I didn't know. Poor thing. I was hoping I could've help in anyways" Sin said with a sad pout. She knew how it was, running away from someone you didn't want to be near. The girl must be suffering the same way Sin had been suffering all her life. She couldn't even remember one day when she...
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    for once she is behind closed doors

    "Briar! I hadn't seen you in ages. Good to see you Briar." Sin sat down next to her, with her knees crouch down while she rest her elbows against the sill. "I was wondering what happen to you and that other girl. Did everything make out good or not?" Sin eyes widen with interest. "You said...
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    for once she is behind closed doors

    Despite the weather being at its worst, Sin was seen counting step making her way towards the highest tower. Being a ravenclaw student was the best thing that ever happen to the blonde haired girl. She loved the fact that her dorm was up a tower and not down the dungeons like the Slytherin...
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    The Start of the Year Feast

    Once Sinhella was sorted, she stepped down the stool looking around for the Ravenclaw table. Her blue dazzling eyes would look around till she was greeted by the lot of them. A girl not much older than her telling Sin its the correct table. Sin looked around before she sat down. Both Briar and...
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    Sin [C]

    Thanks this will do
  7. S


    Yes that sounds fine to me!
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    Sorting: Houses

    I'm very happy with Sinhella house :D
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    Sin [C]

    I would like <Lemina or Immy> to fill my request. Banner Order Form Character's Name:Sinhella LeMour Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) Blend *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Your choice Celebrity you're using:Sia Images on banner: (For blends please...
  10. S

    Longing for the day...

    "Ha I'm used to it by now, but look at my knees." Sin lifted up her dress just a couple inches to show a spotless knee-cap poking her tongue at Liam. "Not even a scratch, I'm telling you it has to be magic. Why else would my knee looks like they never met the floor." she laughed, while walking...
  11. S


    Elle- Sure when they get sorted and since you and Rose sort of doing the same. Maybe you could join as allies? Probably make a lot sense, since after these 3 will be friends. Briar- Course I've been waiting for you! You and Sin can be the bestest of friends even if they are a little different.
  12. S


    Ally and Elle could be both her bullies, however with Elle once Sin realise about your secret she probably will befriend you at the end. If that works for you, than yes I don't mind.
  13. S

    Longing for the day...

    "Yes! I mean if I got my letter, chances she may have as well." Sin pointed towards a boy who was testing his wand. The boy had flicked it as instructed, and had accidentally burst a set of light bulbs from a above them. "Oh I don't think I'm ready for that Liam." she said almost excited, but a...
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    Oh okay. Will you be friends with any of these girls?
  15. S

    Longing for the day...

    "O' really?" she beamed walking into aisles of the shops. "I did the same with my mom. She's sort of prissy today so she won't notice of my absence." looking up towards the top shelf Sin curiously watched magic being used non-stop around the shops. It was amazing how magic is used in their world...
  16. S

    Longing for the day...

    Sin was just about to enter when she jumped from being fighten. "Aagh you stupid boy!" she scream than notice it had been Liam. "Oh no I'm sorry but you almost scared the wits out of me!". She was so excited to see her friend, hadn't expected to see him till school started. Guardian hadn't...
  17. S

    Longing for the day...

    Sinhella strolled at her guardian side, humming a merrily tone. She was actually happy today, even if she was with her guardian who probably detested the little girl for acting the way she did in public, it sicken her the least but today guardian didn't notice. She was to busy ranting the fact...
  18. S


    Alyson sounds great. She may scare Sin out of her wits but I see them being good friends. So yes I like them to be friends. Will Post Sasha
  19. S


    Yes if you like to that be nice.
  20. S


    So she will be a good friend but not really because she won't come to her defence? I like it at least your still somewhat of a good friend. Thanks! Accepted.