for once she is behind closed doors

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Lightening bloomed across the sky and thunder rolled overhead. As mugh as briar loved being outside she was slowly becoming more used to buildings, and one of their main advantaged was that they stopped her getting wet when it rained. However they still made her feel confined and after a morning exploring the castle she ground that the most cumftable place to be was at the top of the north tower. as all o the walls were lined with windows and on a fine day they would show her a wide vista of the grounds and the grounds area. Today However she could not see out of any of the windows because the rain was pummeling them so hard that it liked like a blanket had been pressed over them. Oh well she thought sitting on one of the window seats at least i had a pretty enjoyable morning looking around the place.
Despite the weather being at its worst, Sin was seen counting step making her way towards the highest tower. Being a ravenclaw student was the best thing that ever happen to the blonde haired girl. She loved the fact that her dorm was up a tower and not down the dungeons like the Slytherin students. Sin didn't know what she would have done if she was sorted into Slytherin. "Oh Mary Mack Mack Mack all dress in Black Black" she sang while skipping two steps at a time till she reached the last step of the highest towers. Sin looked up with her bright blues eyes to notice a girl about her age sitting alone along the windowsill of the towers. "Ello dear" Sin edge forward and noticed the girl looked familiar. "Oh I know you!From where though?" she asked the girl.
briar heard someone walk up the stairs and was pulled from her thoughts in time to see a girl enter the tower. she recognized her but it took a couple of minutes to register who she was. "Hi Sin. So glad to see you here" the look in her eyes told briar that she didn't recognize her. "I'm briar, from the park, the crazy one running in circles.' she hoped that she would remember. "how are you enjoying it here? she asked hoping that she didn't sound too enthusiastic but the the rain made the afternoon hand into infinity before her and she knew that the presence of a friend would help the time pass so much quicker.
"Briar! I hadn't seen you in ages. Good to see you Briar." Sin sat down next to her, with her knees crouch down while she rest her elbows against the sill. "I was wondering what happen to you and that other girl. Did everything make out good or not?" Sin eyes widen with interest. "You said something about someone was coming than you guys left"
Briar was glad that sin didn't need any more information to place her. "Oh, katie. she saw her aunt coming and she was running away so I helped her and offered her a bed in my room until school started. I dont know where i she is now, but i hope that she is okay, sorry for takeing off like that. she explained now slightly worried about kate. maybe she should send her an owl. So how have you been? she asked
"Oh I didn't know. Poor thing. I was hoping I could've help in anyways" Sin said with a sad pout. She knew how it was, running away from someone you didn't want to be near. The girl must be suffering the same way Sin had been suffering all her life. She couldn't even remember one day when she didn't felt the wrath of her guardian always leaving Sin in black and blue. "I mean I could have help in anyway I can. Nothing in this world is easy especially for two girls as ourself" Sin proclaim wiping the frown away she never wanted to show sadness. If she did than question would be ask. "I've been well you know the usual with school being so hard and magic. I'm thinking your the same way?" Sin asked her blue dim cool eyes showing so much sign of life and interest in Briar. She was someone Sin would get along with no matter how.
briar watched Sin. when she talked about Kate she saw that she seemed a little upset. maybe she reminded her of someone, knowing that she probably didn't want to talk about it any more she started talking to Sin with the same enthusiasm the other girl had shown. "It is nice here. the grounds are amazing, in fact i am very rarely in the castle. but the weather is a little bait off today" as if timed to her words a distant roll of thunder groaned overhead, "as for the classes, they are good. I love flying, it is so fast it feels like ... well flying. she wondered how sin was settling down in ravenclaw, she knew that is where she wanted to be and all of the ravenclaws she had met had seemed nice enough except the one who just seemed crazy.
"I actually don't mind the thunder" Sin sat back in silence to listen to the roaring of thunder rolls. "For some reason I feel a sense of peace when I do" just a human sense to tell her that she was still living and breathing. "so your making well of your classes? That's good to hear, I on the other hand no so much but I still listen at least" Sin shrugged her small little shoulders. She was still small for her age, haven't grown since the last time she checked. "Anyways, anything plan for the break?" she ask Briar eyes glue to her friend. Maybe they could see each other if that was possible.

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