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  1. P

    A muggel is needed Here you go, she can take blame or something? And I'll just rp with you as my other character lol
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    It happen so fast. One minute you where scouting the city looking for the girl who you were suppose to take custody of from her unfit mother, the next you were lying down on concert foundation and all you could hear was the shouting and horrific cries of an accident that was never suppose to...
  3. P

    A muggel is needed

    A muggel is needed to take Paris Cahors life away, nothing major just a car accident when she apparates at the wrong time and is instantly killed on the spot. So if your a muggel or muggel-born and drive a cab please post here if your interested in the plot. It will take place (as soon as ever)...
  4. P

    GoodBye Forever

    Paris bend down besides Pixie, wiping away the little girls tears away. "I'm going to see what I can do okay, I can't promise you that kay Pixie" she sighed at the little girl. Paris embrace her in a gentle hug, not looking up at the woman afraid she might want to react to her stupidity. Instead...
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    GoodBye Forever

    "If she still young than she needs a home but for now I will be supervising her as her social worker" it will be extremely difficult to get Imogen place. No one would want a teenager, not even a foster home. And they get paid hosting a child. Paris watched as Pixie flung her arms around her...
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    GoodBye Forever

    "Yes the baby taking care of Ms. Day but what about your daughter Imogen Day" her file was in the luxury bag. Paris had read through plenty of time, yet she still couldn't keep of with every case she took care of, but she was positive the oldest one was being taken as well. If not she was...
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    Welcome! I don't have much to say but welcome!
  8. P

    needing children

    Well your not taking little Liam *squeals* he's already with a good family. (Hollawarth) Anyways I'll tell you bout the kids later but I already sort have a home for them, it was a just in case thing. Still on for that interview?
  9. P

    needing children

    Is your home a Orphanage first and foremost? Second ones a child, but I have two others that might need a home. I still haven't talk to the rper yet. And I believe she is a female.
  10. P

    Hollawarth's meet your new son

    "You will have to go down the hall to your right, than keep going straight and it will be the door closes to the elevator. That's were you will be registering Liam" Paris handed him over finally, it felt sort of sad giving up like that but she had to do it. "In his bag holds his first shot...
  11. P

    needing children

    Hey! I handle the transactions between the parents and the parent to adopt. Paris is a part time social worker in the muggel/wizard world so I'm already rping two adoption but may be able to give you one of the children (if its okay with the rper) and can keep it going if you like? I would also...
  12. P

    Hollawarth's meet your new son

    Cradling the child in her arms, Paris made her way towards the waiting area were she spotted quickly Roswald Hollawarth of London and Lila Hollawarth his wife. Paris smile, as much as giving up a child sounded so immoral to a degree, but it was better off that way. If the child had grew up in...
  13. P

    GoodBye Forever

    Paris had already place the child in the care of one of New Zealand wonderful family she ever interview since her career as a social worker had started. Little Liam was so adorable, but she didn't judge the woman for giving up the child. Correction childrens but the saddest part was knowing two...
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    Lady friends expeshuallwy!

    Excellent just let me know when :)
  15. P

    Lady friends expeshuallwy!

    I have Paris if you like I could play a few love games if you like :r nothing to "Serious"
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    Paris Cahors[C]

    Thanks :wub: it
  17. P

    Paris Cahors[C]

    If you can find picture for the cousin banner if its not to much to ask that is?
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    Paris Cahors[C]

    If you can fine better image for the cousin that be helpful if not the second one looks good of the cousin!
  19. P

    Family Feud

    Well basically the titles, says it all. I have three cousin who are Cahors cousin, but I’m interested in rp were these cousin are in family feud against someone else family. Now this feud have to take places years ago, it can't just happen currently our history has to match yours, sort of like...
  20. P

    Paris Cahors[C]

    Can you maybe change a lot to it, it looks good just not the style I want for Paris. Pic 1 Pic 2 Here a whole new set of pictures and a new quote to go along with :D "Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all the locks"