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  1. C

    The Night of the Hunter

    Claphore may have been young but he knew better than to insult or mock the centaur that made his way into the small clearing then. He shuffled his hind legs backing up slowly. This was Diagoras and though he had kept himself from the tribe over the past few weeks, Claphore knew him well. Growing...
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    The Night of the Hunter

    Claphore smelt Spike coming before he saw him, striding into the clearing as if he owned the forest. He even acted as if he knew the new centaur or the strange one whatever way you wanted to look at it. "I'm out hunting .. Spike" he retorted not liking the other centaur's tone at all, Claphore...
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    The Night of the Hunter

    The night was perfect to be out hunting, the sky was clear and the stars were visible. The spring equinox was a great time to hunt or so he had always thought so. With his long bow in hand and his casing of arrows strapped across his back, his broadsword sheathed by his right flank and his...
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    The Day the Devil Was Born

    With the extra weight on his back now he moved at a slower pace to the forests edge. His broadsword he unsheathed once more in case he might need it and tempted as he was to tell the girl to remove her wand and hold fast to it, he did not. As he cantered a long he gave way to some contemplation...
  5. C

    The Day the Devil Was Born

    Claphore could have cheefully sliced the masked girls head off with his broad sword, she was becoming such an irritant now. How her ears had heard things compared to how he had perplexed him. There had been no screams that he had been aware of, the youngling close to him had certainly never...
  6. C

    The Day the Devil Was Born

    Claphore shook his head lowering his sword from the girls throat and winking infamously at her. Spinning it about he sheathed it once more in it's place at his side. "I care not for your speed or your own personal vendetta. Truly you would kill this girl because she cares for the same fool that...
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    The Day the Devil Was Born

    He felt the kick but he wasn't completely devoid of senses, he could hear and smell that girl coming a mile off. His head had turned slightly to the side so she only grazed him really but it wasn't enough for him to lower the blade from the other girls throat though the momentary distraction...
  8. C

    The Day the Devil Was Born

    The forest was his domain, the tribe had been reassured that students and professors alike would stay out and yet they continued to walk through as if they owned the place. Claphore watched as a young human boy and girl spoke to one another, or it would seem she spoke he listened before she then...
  9. C

    The Centaurs Arrive

    Claphore kept his broadsword trained on the foolish humans, a slow smile creeping to his face and remaining there. They made their way to the school and for the first time, he grew apprehensive. He had never been on school grounds before, the lawn would have suited him fine but Vico was leading...
  10. C


    With a swift nod of his head Claphore returned his bow and arrow to their place and pulled out the long blade of his broadsword. With a gleeful smile he trotted close to the pair of humans and holding the blade directly above the bracelet, sliced it in half then placed the tip of the blade at...
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    Claphore had been awaiting a call from Vico for the longest time and now at last it had come. Intent on proofing himself to their leader, Claphore strapped his long broadsword to his side and tightened the strap on his arrow bag. His longbow was stretched taunt across his chest as he raced...
  12. C

    What am I doing?

    Claphore didn't take kindly to the tone from the young boy, a simple whipper snapper. Moving slowly around the group he stopped as a girl began to speak to him. He watched as she even bowed her head and Claphore did like wise. His hooves stomped the ground a little but not in any intimidating...
  13. C

    Not Really Ordinary!

    I suppose a centaur would be just ridiculous wouldn't it? =))
  14. C

    Whoever said Life was Fair...

    Smiling as the She-Wolf fell down Claphore was about to rear up and stomp on the filthy creature when the human boy shouted at him. With magic at hand the boy managed to fling the sword from his hand and send it reeling backwards where Claphore had come from. He turned furiously at the boy. His...
  15. C

    Whoever said Life was Fair...

    Claphone galloped wildly about the forest, in search of anything to release his pent up anger and frustration out on. Stopping for the briefest of moments the scent asailed his sences and he reared up instantly. The She-Wolf had returned. Turning about and galloping furiously in her direction...
  16. C

    What am I doing?

    After another steam rolling argument with his parents Claphore had gone alone about the forest for more than a few days now. He was well used to fending for himself and protecting himself. When his mood calmed he would return to his tribe once more but for now he was enjoying the peace that no...
  17. C

    stupid usless valentines day

    Claphore stretched out one foreleg as he bent the other behind him, lowering himself slightly as if he was bowing to them. It was merely a respectful greeting and one he had never given a human before. He watched her fix the shoe and smiled, magic wasn't just used to hurt it was used for more...
  18. C

    stupid usless valentines day

    Claphore stood up straight, his entire 7ft frame seemed overwhelming but he was still fairly short compared to the older centaurs, his own father stood at a powerful 7' 10". The witch was attempting to be considerate and this was new to him. He had only ever heard the bad stories, the threat...
  19. C

    stupid usless valentines day

    Claphore listened intently to the two girls and frowned slightly. He crossed his arms and leaned against one of the tall trees. "Sappy, gooey and lovey?" he didn't understand any of this, having never bothered with any of the rituals in his tribe to find a mate for if he were to claim one now he...
  20. C

    stupid usless valentines day

    Claphore was now firmly of the mind that human females were completely stupid some it had to be said weren't bad looking if they had the proper body parts that is. He ran his fingers through his hair wondering if he should simply charge at them for their foolishness or just gallop away...