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  1. Violet Owens-Rosemary

    Closed Family Fun

    Violet had been quite bored lately to say the least. The material she was learning in classes wasn't at all interesting and she was quickly losing her concentration with it. She tried to find some interesting books in the library, but it appeared that the most interesting ones were probably in...
  2. Violet Owens-Rosemary

    Banner for Violet

    Name: Violet Owens-Rosemary Play-By: Melissa Benoist Text on Banner: 'Violet Owens-Rosemary', or just 'Violet'. In cursive writing if able Colour Scheme: Greens, blues, greys, just any cool colours/vibe. Keep it simple, not too crazy. Image Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Additional Information...
  3. Violet Owens-Rosemary

    Violet Owens-Rosemary

    Violet Owens-Rosemary [ R A V E N C L A W ] NAME: Violet Owens-Rosemary PRONUNCIATION: Vy-let Oh-whens Rose-mare-ree NICKNAMES: 'V' NAME MEANING: Violet; a lovely name that evokes the beauty, grace, and power of nature. derived from "viola," which means purple in Latin. Owens; of Irish and...
  4. Violet Owens-Rosemary

    Closed Play Date

    Violet never really liked farms. In fact she never really liked anywhere that wasn't familiar to her like her own home. She liked visiting Dimitri, even though he didn't have any children she could play with and even though his apartment wasn't so big. He was good company, and he helped her...